Kajian Strategi Pemasaran Es Krim Baltic di PT. Balticindo Jayafood Jakarta

Hutagaol, Roslina Erdawati
Hubeis, Musa
Soekarto, Soewarno Tjokro
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Ice cream is one of product that are liked by people because has a high nutrition value, made from milk, give priority to taste, price and packing. One of company which had been developing it is PT. Balticindo Jayafood which capable to market 3,000 I ice cream per a week and capability of production can be reach 6,000 I ice cream per a week. The objectives of this study are (a) to analyze internal and external factors which influence process of decision making in the implementation of market strategy; (b) to arrange marketing strategy in the future in the framework of developing industry of Ice Cream Baltic; (c) to give recommendation of marketing strategy of ice cream to PT. Balticindo Jayafood. Based on the result of the research by multiattribute model Fishbein got important scale which was consumer perception to first attribute. The are (a) package, rate of taste, choice of taste, texture, composition, price, place of selling, ease to get, clarity licence from The Natlbnal Agency of Drug and Food Control (BPOM) dan clarity halal from The assessment institute for foods, drugs, and cosmetics indonesia council of ulama (LP MUI). Each of them have score 2. They showed that according to the consumer, score of the attributes is very important for ice cream product; (b) size, shape, colour, hygiene, promotion and brand. Each of them have score 1. They showed that according to the consumer, score of the attributes is important for ice cream product. Based on the analysis of correlation between two variable (crosstab) showed (a) correlation between work and age of consumer is not tight; (b) correlation between age of consumer and age education is tight; (c) correlation between age of consumer and work is tight; (d) correlation between age of consumer and a number of family member is tight; (e) correlation between age of consumer and average of salary is tight; (f) correlation between age of consumer and distance of residence to outlet is not tight. Based on the result of External Factor Evaluation (EFE) and Internal Factor Evaluation (IFE) matrix showed each score were 2.69 and 2.42. That showed position of Ice Cream Baltic company was stable to response external situation which it faced and it was on the rate average which was capable to response internal climate which it had. Total score value combination between EFE and IFE used to know Ice Cream Baltic position. Internal-External (IE) matrix score showed it in the center cell position (Growth/Stable). The result of Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats (SWOT) analysis in the form of formulation strategy need to implement of policy in the PT Balticindo Jayafood, it is marketing mix aspect (4P: product, price, place and promotion). Management implication of the study divided in four targets, they are (a) Marketing; (b) Financial; (c) Production; (d) Human Resources.
- Jurnal Manajemen IKM [21]