Pengaruh Mutu Pelayanan dan Kinerja Bank Terhadap Kepuasan Nasabah Bank Danamon Cabang Bogor
The key of success of bank management is how the bank can win over the customer heart, and as a financial intermediary. The product, good and services must be given as customer desire and customer needs. Customer is the key success of a bank. Therefore, bank make certain strategies to satisfy primary customer, and increase quality of service by listening to the customer heart needs. This study held to describe customer satisfaction and quality of Bank Danamon, due to create progression and increasement in the service given by the bank. The aims of Bank Danamon's study are (1) to measure customer's satisfaction; (2) to identify many factors that bank needs to increase; (3) to analyze and identify the influence againts quality service and performance of the bank; and (4) to find the best service among branches of Bank Danamon in Bogor. Descriptive methods that used in this observation is held to do the exact measurement of certain phenomenon, by develop the concept, collecting facts from the existing variables; explaining the fenomenon between company performance and services of the customer's satisfaction. To suports the observations by using the random samples techniques, with range customer's who made transaction more than ^wice and minimum 15 years of age of customer. Another analyze of customer satisfaction is using regression of linear. Primary data collection used in this observation by interviewing and giving questionaire. The data's used in this observation are primary and secondary data take from book's, website literature or journals related to the observation. The results of Danamon's customer in Bogor regarding 20 quality atributes results in customer expectations. Specified expectations for 20 atributes by the customer are (1) Service are given according to company promisess and agreement, (2) the Bank employee able to finished the duty on time based on the agreement, (3) Proper respond to the customer complain, (4) Quick service given by the bank employee, (5) Rewards and reputation part of the Danamon services, (6) Bank location is easy to reach, (7) the Employee give suggestion and cares to the customer needs, (8) neat and clean performance of the bank employee, (9) A complete utility and equipment in banking hall, (10) Danamon is perform with brochurres to show the high quality product, (11) Friendly and helpfull employee, (12) Awareness of the employee for customer needs and will, (13) Qualitty product (14) Excellent service, (15) Service all the customer in the same manner, (16) Credibility of the employee, (17) Given the right and clear information, (18) Neat and performance employee, (19) Danamon have good facility, (20) Polite employee. Satisfactory analysis done by using the regression linear toward coefficient determination the Danamon in Bogor. From the data processing the result of the coefficient determination (R2) 0.868 (adjusted R square) is means the fluctuation of customer satisfaction 86.8% causes by performance and service, and the rest (13.2%) causes by other factor.
- Jurnal Manajemen IKM [21]