Jurnal Keteknikan Pertanian: Recent submissions
Now showing items 21-25 of 25
Pendugaan Kerusakan Mangga Arumanis Akibat Lalat Buah Menggunakan Atenuasi Ultrasonik
(2008)The objectives of this research were to determine attenuation coefficient of arumanis mangoes, to develop border equation prediction and to validate the border equation prediction of arumanis mangoes damage caused by fruit ... -
Pemodelan dan Simulasi Pengeringan Jagung Pipilan Dalam Pengering Rotari Tumpukan
(2008)A mathematical model of shelled corn drying has been developed in order to simulate the distribution of drying air temperature and humidity as well as the grain moisture content in a rotary bed dryer. The model was based ... -
Modifikasi Mesin Penyiang dan Penggulud Tipe Bajak Dua Sayap dan Uji Kinerjanya Pada Tiga Jenis Tanah
(2008)The machine performance test of power weeder in the heavy soil shows that: Low cannot penetration, High rolling resistance and Gear box was very hot. The objectives research were: 1). Modification the power weeder for ... -
Getaran Akibat Gangguan Secara Alami
(2008)This paper discusses the phenomenon of self-excited vibration in some physical model including its applications in some different engineering field. The referred physical model include the impact damper and its application ... -
Disain dan Uji Kinerja Pengering Rotari Tumpukan untuk Pengeringan Jagung Pipilan
(2008)A rotary bed dryer for grain had been developed and tested in this study. The dryer was designed in order to provide an effective mixing effect. The dryer used perforated cylindrical drum for its chamber and was rotated ...