Browsing Jurnal Keteknikan Pertanian by Issue Date
Now showing items 1-20 of 25
Perancangan dan Konstruksi Masin Sortasi dan Pamutuan Buah Jeruk dengan Sensor Kamera CCD
(2008)Citrus is one of important fruit in Indonesian and its production increases every year. ... -
Teknik Pengukuran Laju Respirasi Produk Hortikultura pada Kondisi Atmosfir Terkendali
(2008)The design of modified atmosfere packaging (MAP) requires steady state respiration rate data. The rate of fresh produce is usually measured by the open system method where a steady stream of gas is passed through a respiration ... -
Pandugaan karusakan mangga arumanis akibat lalat buah menggunakan aienuasi ultrasonik
(2008)The objectives of this research were to determine attenuation cofficient of arumanis mangoes, to develop border equation prediction and to validate the border equation prediction of arumanis mangoes damage caused by fruit ... -
Modifikasi Mesin Penyiang dan Penggulud Tipe Bajak Dua Sayap dan Uji Kinerjanya Pada Tiga Jenis Tanah
(2008)The machine performance test of power weeder in the heavy soil shows that: Low cannot penetration, High rolling resistance and Gear box was very hot. The objectives research were: 1). Modification the power weeder for ... -
Disaln dan Ujl Klnerja Pengerlng Rotari Tumpukan untuk Pengeringan Jagung Pipilan
(2008)A millry bed dryer for Qraln had been OOVfl/oped 1100 testf1d In this study. The drye' WIIS oosiQned In OTd6r 10 providfJ /VI etrootive mixing e6l!ct. The dryer uMJd perforIIlfld cylindrical drvm for its chamber ffoo WIJ8 ... -
Pemodelan dan Simulasi Pengeringan Jagung Pipilan Dalam Pengering Rotari Tumpukan
(2008)A mathematical model of shelled corn drying has been developed in order to simulate the distribution of drying air temperature and humidity as well as the grain moisture content in a rotary bed dryer. The model was based ... -
Pengaruh Pemanasan Kelapa Parut Dan Teknik Pengunduhan Terhadap Rendemen Dan Mutu Virgin Coconut Oil (VCO)
(2008)Virgin Coconut Oil (VCO) was produced from green variety of non-hybride coconut type. Grated coconut was heated at 50°, 70°, and 90°C for 20, 30 and 40 minutes, respectively. Harvesting technique of VCO were done by ... -
Pendugaan Kerusakan Mangga Arumanis Akibat Lalat Buah Menggunakan Atenuasi Ultrasonik
(2008)The objectives of this research were to determine attenuation coefficient of arumanis mangoes, to develop border equation prediction and to validate the border equation prediction of arumanis mangoes damage caused by fruit ... -
Penentuan Parameter Optimal Kendali Greenhouse Berbasis Fazi Dan Pid Menggunakan Algoritma Genetika
(2008)The development of the control system of adaptive biological-environment was equipped with the optimization technique of Genetic Algorithm in solving the problem of optimizing parameters. Optimizing the determination of ... -
Lama Pemanasan Metode Vapor Heat Treatment (VHn dan Pelilinan Untuk Mempertahankan Mutu Pepaya Selama Penyimpanan
(2008)Horticulura products are host for tephritidae fruitilies that are considered a quarantine risk by many inporting countries ... -
Penentuan Konsentrasi Tanah Dalam Air Sungai Berdasarkan Perbedaan Warna
(2008)Information of soil erosion is very useful related with prevention action and planning in the future. The objective of this research is to determine soil concentration in water river based on colour differences using image ... -
Penggunaan Near Infrared Spectroscopy Pada Penentuan Kandungan Padatan Terlarut Buah Mangga Indramayu Secara Tidak Merusak
(2008)Near infrared (NIR) spectroscopy appears as a prominent method for nondestructive fruit quality assessment. In this work, the relationship between the nondestructive NIR spectral measurements and the soluble solids content ... -
Getaran Akibat Gangguan Secara Alami
(2008)This paper discusses the phenomenon of self-excited vibration in some physical model including its applications in some different engineering field. The referred physical model include the impact damper and its application ... -
Disain dan Uji Kinerja Pengering Rotari Tumpukan untuk Pengeringan Jagung Pipilan
(2008)A rotary bed dryer for grain had been developed and tested in this study. The dryer was designed in order to provide an effective mixing effect. The dryer used perforated cylindrical drum for its chamber and was rotated ... -
Pemodelan Dan Simulasi Pengeringan Jagung Pipilan Dalam Pengering Rotari Tumpukan
(2008)A math6m81icaJ model 01 t;he/Jed com drying has been dBWJ/opMJ &I OtdBr to simulate /he distnbu60tl 01 dtying air I&mp8rature and humidity lIS WBiI as the grain moisllHe content In a rotsf)' bed dryvr. The model II'lI$ ... -
Pengaruh Ketinggian Pemangkasan Dengan Mesin Potrurn Srt-03 Terhadap Torsi Pemangkasan Rumput Bermuda (Cynodon Dactylon) Tiff Way 146
(2008)Rotary mower is one of mowing tools commonly used to maintain lawn or turfgrass. Mowing height and mowing torque are important factors that should be taken into account in sustaining grass quality and designing a rotary ... -
Study on Disinfestation of Fruit Fly (Bactrocera dorsalis) Using Vapor Heat Treatment on Gedong Gincu Mango
(2009)Sice the prohibition of chemical method for insect disinfentation such as ethylene dibromide in 1984, heat treatment method was developed as quarantine quality. One of the heat treatment methods in vapor heat treatment (VHT). ... -
Kajian Pengaruh Konfigurasi Mesin Penggillngan terhadap Rendemen dan Susut Giling beberapa Varietas Padi
(2009)Rice is the staple food for Indonesian people so that the rice supply will be the barometer for the national food secutiry. In rice production, both of postharvest losses and low milling yield are still problems due to ... -
Metode Pembuatan Guludan Secara Mekanis denganTenaga Penggerak Traktor Dua Roda untuk Budidaya Tanaman Sayuran
(2009)The objective of this study was to determine the best tillage method for making plantig beds for vegetable cultivation using a two-wheel type tractor. Five tillage methods a two-wheel type tractor with its equipments were ...