Browsing Jurnal Keteknikan Pertanian by Author "Dadang"
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Lama Pemanasan Metode Vapor Heat Treatment (VHn dan Pelilinan Untuk Mempertahankan Mutu Pepaya Selama Penyimpanan
Hasbullah, Rokhani | Marisa, Elpodesy | Parjito, Aji | Hartulistiyoso, Edy | Dadang (2008)Horticulura products are host for tephritidae fruitilies that are considered a quarantine risk by many inporting countries ... -
Study on Disinfestation of Fruit Fly (Bactrocera dorsalis) Using Vapor Heat Treatment on Gedong Gincu Mango
Hasbullah, Rokhani | Dadang | Marlisa, Elpodesy (2009)Sice the prohibition of chemical method for insect disinfentation such as ethylene dibromide in 1984, heat treatment method was developed as quarantine quality. One of the heat treatment methods in vapor heat treatment (VHT). ...