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dc.contributor.authorMadanijah, Siti
dc.contributor.authorMunthe, Yanthi Br.
dc.description.abstractThe objectives of this study were to investigate socio economic characteristics of fisherman families both labour and skipper, to analyze consumptions of fish and snack food and Its contribution to RDA of children under five years and to compare nutritional status of the children under five years between the two group offisherman family. The total of samples were 60 children of 18-60 months consisted of 35 and 25 children from labour and skipper fisherman family, respectively. Fish consumption on children of skipper fisherman family was 37.6g/day, higher than the labour family, 34.8g/day; protein consumption from fish were 8.6 g/day and 6.6 g/day, and their contribution were 24.3 and 20.1% RDA, respectively. Snack consumptions which was a habit on the two groups, contributed energy 455 and 421 kkal/day or about 43% of RDA; 11.3 and 10.6 g/day or 42.4 and 44.2% of RDA, respectively. Nutritional status based on weight per age of labour's children under five years was lower than skipper's.en
dc.publisherBogor Agricultural University (IPB)
dc.relation.ispartofseriesVol. 30;No. 1
dc.titleSumbangan Konsumsi Ikan Dan Makanan Jajanan Terhadap Kecukupan Gizi Anak Balita Pada Keluarga Nelayan Buruh Dan Nelayan Juraganen

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