Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Menuju Ketahanan Pangan Dan Perbaikan Gizi, Di Kabupaten Cianjur: Fase Pemantapan

Kusharto, Clara M.
Asikin, Saepul
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The objectives of this study were to strengthen the programs of community empowerment toward food security and improvement of nutritional status. Its determine through community participatory approach, a selected families in six villages were actively participated in this program. Started in a year of 2000 (Initial Phase) at Ciwalen and Cikaroya village (Warungkondang sub district), thereafter in a year of 2001 (Development Phase) at Cihaur village (Cibeber sub-district) and Selajambe village (Sukaluyu sub-district). Furthermore, in a year of 2003 the activities were continually expanded in to two other villages (Cijedil and Gasol village), both villages are in the Cugenang sub-distric. The whole programs were run well simultaneously in previous villages with innovative training activities, such as appropriate technology and home gardening. Design and methodology; the project was used a systematic triple 3 A's (Action, Assessment and Analysis), where the family as the unit in community nutritional survey.. For the last expanded villages in depth observation was conducted to determine family's food security (by food sufficiency level) and score of nutrition knowledge. And used a standardize method for assessment of nutritional status. The study shows that mostly recipients in all 6 villages revolved their micro credit (revolving funds) as scheduled and gave positive impact to a number of new active recipients; 2..the sufficiency level for energy, protein, and iron as well as nutritional (anemia) status of mother and children significantly improve., 3. In general after intervention health condition in Gasol much belter than Cijedil due to more active cadre as motivator. 4. Mostly mothers belong to normal BMl, and their number increased from 21,4% to 27,3% (in Gasol) and 7,1% to 13,0% (in Cijedil).5. Nutrition knowledge were significantly improve and determined by a number of mitra with low score decreased 63,3 % to 25 % (in Gasol) and 91,3% to 60% (in Cijedil).