Jurnal Manajemen IKM
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Hubungan Kepuasan Kerja dengan Turnover Intentions pada Perawat Rumah Sakit Dhuafa
(2014)Kebijakan Pemerintah melalui program Jaminan Kesehatan Nasiol1al (JKN) perlu direspon dengan tetap memberikan pelayanan kesehatan terba~k bagi'lmasyarakat Pelayanan kesehatan dapat diberikan dt:ngan baik jika jumiah sumber ... -
Peran Human Capital, Corporate Value dan Good Corporate Governance melalui Kinerja Karyawan terhadap Kinerja Perusahaan di PTPN VII Lampung
(2014)Perubahan yang terjadi dalam lingkungan bisnis menyebabkan berbagai F~rusahaan terus berusaha mempetbaiki sti'ategi 0isnisnya, bertujuan agar bisa,·beJ;tahatl. dan mempunyai keunggular. bersaing. Puncak perubahan tersE::but ... -
Usaha dan Pengembangan Industri Keeil Berbasis Komllnitas Lokal
(2014)Rumah Kreatif Balikpapan (!u<:B) merupak3.n industri kecil batik tulis dan kerajinan daur ulang yang secJang berkembang. lndustri kecil ini melibatkan komunitas lokal yang terdiri dad para penyandang disabilitas dan ibu-ibu ... -
Strategi Rantai Pasok Sayuran Organik Berbasis Petani di Kecamatan Pangalengan, Kabupaten Bandung
(2013)Lifesyle sehat dengan slogan "Back to Nature" telah menjadi trend baru masyarakat. Direktorat Pengolahan dan Pemasaran, Departemen Pertanian di Indonesia telah memprakarsai program "Go Organik 201 O" untuk meningkatkan ... -
Kajian Perilaku Konsumen terhadap Strategi Pemasaran Teh Herbal di Kota Bogor
(2011)The purpose of this study is to know the general behavior of the consumers of herbal tea in Bogor; In particular aims to: (1) Identify the internal factors that include a consumer culture and the psychological factors that ... -
Rancang Bangun Model Audit Manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia, Menggunakan Pendekatan Sistem
(2011)The purpose of this study is to design an audit model for Human Resource Management (HRM), using soft system methodology (SSM). The study was conducted in two stages. The first stage is designing an audit model, using ... -
Kajian Tingkat Penerapan Manajemen Mutu Terhadap Kinerja UMKM Sektor Agro-lndustri Pangan Olahan Nata de Coco di Kota Bogor
(2011)Study of quality management implementation in Small Medium Enterprises (SMEs) nata de coco industry in the city of Bogor. The purpose of this study are: (1) to see what extent the application of quality management in the ... -
Prospek Ekonomi dan Strategi Pengembangan Kapas Rami Sebagai Bahan Baku Alternatif Industri Tekstil Skala Usaha Kecil (Kasus Koppontren Darussalam, Garut - Jawa Barat)
(2011)The textile industry has a role in the non-oil export of Indonesia. Cotton is the main raw material of textile and products of textile (TPT) in Indonesia. Ninety-nine percent of the domestic needs of cotton is imported ... -
Strategi Pengembangan Usaha Sapi Perah Skala Mikro Berwawasan Lingkungan di Kabupaten Subang, Jawa Barat
(2011)Until now, the development of the environmentally sound micro-scale dairy cattle business (USPSMWL) in the District of Sagalaherang and Ciater of the Subang Regency not fully reached the desired level yet. The growth of ... -
Kajian Strategi Pengembangan Usaha Industri Kripik Singkong Perusahaan PT. Inti Sari Rasa di Bekasi
(2011)Cassava is one of local prime comodity in Indonesia. Crispy chips of cassava is one of product was made from cassava. People interest in developing of it, for example, people in Bekasi. PT Inti Sari Rasa was built in 1981, ... -
Kajian Optimasi Produksi dan Strategi Pengembangan Usaha Produk Fish Jelly (Studi Kasus pada PT "XP" di Jakarta)
(2011)PT "XP" in its bussiness production has produced Fish Jelly with five types of products, there are Fish Sausage, Fish Ball, Fish Kakinaga, "Otak-otak" and Fish Finger.The main raw material that being used by PT XP for those ... -
Penelitian Peranan Program Pelatihan Konselor Bisnis dalam Peningkatan Kemampuan Peserta Pelatihan Berbasis Evaluasi Diri (Studi Kasus Program Pelatihan APEC-IBIZ Indonesia)
(2011)The role of SME's in domestic economics increasing progressively. Especially after crisis 1997, in the year 1997 all leaders of Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) country has gives recommendation to APEC organization. ... -
Faktor-faktor yang Mempengaruhi Kompetensi Kerja Karyawan
(2011)The purpose of this paper is to gain clarity and better understanding on important determinants that contribute to the formulation of employee's competencies in the workplace. The methodology in this study is using SEM ... -
Strategi Pengembangan Usaha "Nila Pufl" dalam Meningkatkan Pendapatan IKM Pengolahan Hasil Perikanan pada CV."X" di Cibinong Bogor
(2010)The very limited product of fishery is one of the reasons that lowering the consumption level of fish for Indonesian people. It is necessary to do diversification of fish products to increase the consumption of fish. One ... -
Kajian Strategi Pemasaran Ikan Asap (Smoked Fish) di UKM Petikan Cita Halus Citayam - Bogor
(2010)Petikan Cita Halus Company which categorized as a small enterprise has been producing smoked fish since 2001. This company owned by Haji Amril Lubis and produce various smoked fish from cat fish, tunas, marlin, skipjack, ... -
Kajian Strategi Pemasaran Es Krim Baltic di PT. Balticindo Jayafood Jakarta
(2010)Ice cream is one of product that are liked by people because has a high nutrition value, made from milk, give priority to taste, price and packing. One of company which had been developing it is PT. Balticindo Jayafood ... -
Perbandingan Pendapatan Peternak dari Dua Sistem Kemitraan Inti Plasma Berbeda pada Usaha Pembesaran Ayam Ras Pedaging
(2010)The role of chicken ranch business in Indonesia starts to develop until at this moment. This business has good prospect and so bright. The necessities of protein consumption rate by people become one of many factors that ... -
Pengaruh Mutu Pelayanan dan Kinerja Bank Terhadap Kepuasan Nasabah Bank Danamon Cabang Bogor
(2010)The key of success of bank management is how the bank can win over the customer heart, and as a financial intermediary. The product, good and services must be given as customer desire and customer needs. Customer is the ... -
Kajian Tingkat Pendapatan Petani Sawah Irigasi dengan Diversifikasi Pola Tanam di Kabupaten Karawang, Jawa Barat
(2010)The objectives of this final project is (1) to identify the many variations of the planting pattern of the irrigated rice fields in Karawang regency, (2) to formulate the income of farm enterprises according to the planting ... -
Analisis Pengembangan Usaha Mikro dalam Mendukung Pemberdayaan Perempuan di Pulau Bunaken, Kota Manado, Sulawesi Utara
(2010)Women of the small island are potentially subjected of human resources whom their existences in the society is not awared and have not been potentially developed. Meanwhile, these women share the same rights and duties as ...