dc.description.abstract | This study were aimed to formulate biscuit based on Fish Protein Concentrate (FPC) and enriched with probiotic; and to evaluate the impact of biscuit feeding on immunity and nutritional status of underfive children. The study consisted of two phases; first; formulating biscuit based on FPC plus probiotic, and evaluating its biological quality and immunological test on rats. Second; evaluating the impact of biscuit supplementation in correcting health and nutritional status of underfive children. The biological quality of FPC plus probiotic biscuits was high i.e. NPR (6.90), BV (98.47%), Digestibility (94.64%), NPU (93.20%), and IgA (205.5 mg/dl). These findings indicated that the product is feasible to be consumed for underfive children. A total of 105 underfive children were participated in field trial. The subject of the study were divided into three feeding groups: (1) biscuit non FPC, (2) biscuit FPC, and (3) biscuit FPC plus Probiotic. The result showed that the biscuit with FPC plus probiotic was the best product than other two treatments, where at the end of intervention (90 days effective), may increased Z score W/A 0.53, much higher than Biscuit with FPC 0,44 and Biscuit non FPC 0.23 (p<0.05). The average level of IgA before intervention was 87.78 mg/dl, and after intervention 107.61 mg/dl (increase about 19.83 mg/dl). The study showed that viability of Leuconostoc mesenteroides 1S-27526 was high 1.5xl06colony/g. And morbidity rate of children with FPC biscuit plus probiotic was lower (14.3%) than the other two treatments (FPC biscuit 23%> and non FPC biscuit 29,5%). Therefore, the biscuit with FPC plus Probiotic is highly recommended to those who suffered from Protein Energy Malnutrition (PEM) and succeptible to infection which caused "Busung Lapar" or Hongeroedem (HO). | en |