Jurnal Ilmu Pertanian Indonesia: Recent submissions
Now showing items 1-20 of 28
Identifikasi Gen Aroma Pada Progeni-Progeni Backcross Antara Varietas Ciherang Dengan Pandan Wangi
(2011)PCR berbantuan marka spesifik merupakan metpda deteksi aroma padi yang pada saat ini dianggap paling potensial. RM223 merupakan satu-satunya marka yanp dapat mengidentifikasi badh2termutasi varietas Pandan Wangi. Penelitian ... -
Pemanfaatan Teknologi .Tepat Guna ldentifikasi Tumbuhan Obat Berbasis Citra
(2013)Indonesia Is a mega biodiversity country Including many kind medicinal plants. It Is not easy to Identify the various kinds of the medicinal plants especially for common people. Therefore, we need a computer-based automatic ... -
Pendugaan model pertumbuhan dan bentuk sebaran spasial populasi banteng (Bos sondaicus d'Alton) di Taman Nasional Alas Purwo Jawa Timur
(2009)Population of bulls in the world is decreasing to 80%. On Java and Bali, the habitat of the species has declined by about 20% and 30% respectively (IUCN 2003). In Java, especially in Alas Purwo National Park, the decreasing ... -
Pendugaan parameter demografi dan bentuk sebaran spasial biawak komodo (Varanus komodoensis Ouwens 1912) di Pulau Rinca, Taman Nasional Komodo
(2012)Komodo is one of the protected rare reptiles that can only be found within the Komodo National Park and the northern island of Flores. This study was aimed to determine the species poputation parameters and spatial ... -
Prospek pengembangan kebun buru rusa Perum Perhutani BKPH Jonggol Jawa Barat berdasarkan tinjauan Ekologi
(2012)One fom of sustainable wildlife utilization with ecological and economic values is game hunting. Due to game huntingt promising prospects, Perum Perhutani planned to develop their deer captive breeding area (PRJ) into a ... -
Pengaruh Pemberian Bahan Organik pada Tanah Liat dan Lempung Berliat terhadap Kemampuan Mengikat Air
(2011-08)Amount of water that obtained soil depend on soil ability to quick absorp and continue water accepted from soil surface. Water holding capacity of soil are influenced by soil texture and organic matter. The purpose of this ... -
Desain Instalasi Pengolah Limbah WC Komunal Masyarakat Pinggir Sungai Desa Lingkar Kampus
(2011)Cangkurawok Village is located in the outer of the Bogor Agricultural University area and does not have good sanitation facilities. Disposal of domestic wastewater directly discharges into drainage channels to river. ... -
Aplikasi Sistem Informasi Geografi Bagi Penentuan Kemungkinan Daerah Genangan Akibat Tsunami (Studi Kasus: Kabupaten Ciamis Jawa Barat) (GIS Application in Determining the Possible Inundation Area by Tsunami (Case Study:Ciamis Regency of West Java)
(2011-10)Between 1992-2005 there were 8 tsunamis occured in Indonesia. At 17 July 2006 tsunami reached the southern coast of West Java, Cilacap and Yogyakarta. Tsunamis had caused heavy destruction and death. The aim of the study ... -
Pemanfaatan Kayu Apu (Pistia stratiotes L.) dan Kiambang (Salvinia Molesta D.Mitch) untuk Meningkatkan Kualitas Air Greywater Hidroponik Tanaman Selada (Lacttuca Sativa L.)
(2011-11)Greywater of domestic water waste has a biodegradable organic matter characteristic which can be decreased by using phytoremediator treatment method. The obyective of this research is to find out the most effective treatment ... -
Changes In Soil Physical Characteristics On The Soil Crust Process Through The Use Of Chicken Manure And Polyacryle Amide Under Intense Rainfall
(2009)Soil crust is a soil surface layer which is more compact, harder, and brittle when it is drier than underlaying material. The soil physical characteristics such as aggregate stability, bulk density and soil permeability ... -
Pengaruh Bobot Isi Tanah Terhadap Sifat Fisik Tanah Dan Perkecambahan Benih Kacang Tanah Dan Kedelai (Effect Of Soil Bulk Density On Soil Physical Properties And Seed Germinations Of Peanut And Soybean)
(2010-12)Sifat fisik tanah yang kurang baik akan menyebabkan perkembangan benih terganggu, sehingga penentuan bobot isi tanah sebagai indikator kepadatan tanah perlu dilakukan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini, diharapkan dapat melihat ... -
Gambaran hematologi domba selama transportasi : Peran multivitamin dan meniran(Hematological Condition Of Sheep During Transportation:The Role Of Multivitamin-Meniran Combination)
(2010-12)the research was conducted to study hematogical condition (total erythrocyte,concentration of haemoglobin, and packed cell volume value)sheep during transportation with combination of multivitamin meniran. Twelve Priangan ... -
Pendugaan Model pertumbuhan dan bentuk sebaran spasial populasi banteng (Bos sondaicus d'Alton) di Taman Nasional Alas Purwo Jawa Timur
(2009)Population of bulls in the world is decreasing to 80%. On Java and Bali, the habitat of the species has declined by about 20% and 30% respectively (IUCN 2003). In Java,especially in Alas Purwo National Park,the ... -
Fish basket and its relations with fish quality and sanitation in TPI-PPN Palabuhanratu
(2008)Fish basket has an important role in assisting efficacy of marketing and fish landing process at fishing port. Generally have been known the function of basket as place of fish conveyor. Basket that was used during the ... -
Allotransplantasi testis mencit muda sebagai upaya preservasi gonad in vivo
(2007)Cancer diseases are not detected only at adult but also at young age. One therapy for cancer diseases is chemotherapy and radiation, that give a side effect of infertility in the gonad, therefore, it is necessary to preserve ... -
Biaya transaksi usaha penangkapan ikan di kota Pekalongan
(2007)Economic efficiency is often measured from production aspect and lack of attention to non-production aspect, such as transaction cost. In fishing, much expenditure out of production cost was spent by ship owners and, thus, ... -
Distribusi spasial populasi simping (Placuna placenta) di pesisir Tangerang
(2007)Simping population (Placuna placenta) represent a type of benthic biota and it immobility. This species disperse in any coastal and territorial water of Indonesia such as in north Banten coast, Bekasi coast, Tuban, Gresik ... -
Mineral besi sebagai peningkat vitalitas ikan kerapu bebek (Cromileptes altivelis) saat kondisi stres hipoksia
(2007)Humpback grouper (Chromileptes altivelis) is sensitive to stress that caused low growth rate, mortality, and harvest. Iron is micronutrient that can enhance the immunity. This experiment was conducted to determine the iron ... -
Produksi konsentrat karotenoid dari fraksi minyak sawit menggunakan metode kromatografi kolom absorbsi
(2007)This research was aimed to obtain an optimum conditions for production of liquid fraction of crude palm oil (CPO) containing high concentration of carotenoids, as well as to get the optimum condition on production of ...