Browsing Forest Resource Conservation and Ecotourism by Title
Now showing items 1-20 of 181
Agribisnis Kultur Jaringan Tanaman
(2023)Kultur jaringan merupakan keharusan dalam usaha agribisnis saat ini, terkait dengan pengadaan bibit unggul, yang seragam, berkualitas, pertumbuhan cepat, produktivitas tinggi. Masalahnya Perusahaan kultur jaringan di ... -
Aktivitas harian dua jenis keong potamididae di Hutan Mangrove Teluk Hurun, Lampung Selatan
(1991)Daily activities of two Potamidid snails, Telescopiunl telescopiunz and Cm'thidea quadram were investigated at Teluk Hurun, South Lampung. T. relescopiunt occupied the muddy part of the mangrove area with a vely low frequency ... -
Analisis habitat dan potensi pakan monyet ekor pan jang (macaca fascicularis, raffles) di Pulau Tinjil
(1996)Tinjil Island, coveringa total area of 600 ha, is a semi-natural captive breeding site for long-hailedmacaques. The increased populationof the macaques being bred, have shown the success of the breeding programme, thus ... -
Analisis Perubahan Penutupan Lahan Di Hutan Adat Kasepuhan Citorek, Taman Nasional Gunung Halimun-Salak
(2009)Land cover in forested area has changed rapidly. Land conversion, illegal logging, land clearing and fire are few factors which caused forest decrease. Indigenous people in Kasepuhan Citorek, who lives in and around the ... -
Beberapa Metode Pemecahan Dormansi Benih Leucaena Leucocepltala (Lmk. De Witt.) dan Beberapa Fungi Patogenik yang Berasosiasi dengan Benih
(2002)Penelitian ini berhrjnon rrnttrk nrenenttrknn (I) ~rletodcp enrecahan dorntansi benih don (2) ~rterte~~trrhxrnJlmpnagl'oi genik yang her-asosiasi derrgan henill. Perrrecahan dornrartsi dengan perendoman betiilr dalorrt ... -
Beberapa Parameter Bio-Ekologi Penting dalam Pengusahaan Monyet Ekor Panjang (Macaca fascicularis)
(1996)Macaque (Macaca fascicularis) is one of a promising export commodities. To be aMe to maintain their preservation alld to reach an optimal and sustainable production level, there need to be captive breeding efforts. Significant ... -
Berita Ornithologi
(1989)Bird observations had been conducted in the Gunung Walat Education Forest on July 17th and 18th, the Botanical Garden (Bogor) on August 18th, and the Aboretum of the Faculty of Forestry on July 22nd, 1988. The direct ... -
Bioindikator Kualitas Air Sungai Citarum Hulu
(2024)Perkembangan penggunaan lahan di suatu daerah aliran sungai mempengaruhi kualitas air sungai. Berbagai kegiatan masyarakat baik pertanian, perkebunan maupun industri dan permukiman menghasilkan beban pencemaran yang ... -
Biologi Dan Ekologi Burung Maleo (Macrocephalon Maleo) Sebagai Dasar Dalam Upaya Pelestariannya Melalui Kegiatan Penangkaran
(2023)Maleo bird is one of Indonesia's endemic birds which is only found on Sulawesi Island. The population of this bird is decreasing due to various factors such as habitat destruction, hunting, damage to nesting sites, and ... -
Bird Monitoring At Harita Group West Obi Of South Halmahera District. Maluku Province
(2024)Monitoring for avifauna through of Biodiversity Assessment Survey at Harita Group project area of West Obi South of Halmahera District Maluku Province is conducted to collect and analyze data on species abundance, ... -
Birds Community In Protected Areas In Industrial Forest Plantation Of Pt Wana Hijau Pesaguan West Kalimantan
(2024)The number of bird species in the PT Wana Hijau Pesaguan (WHP) area was identified as 88 species. The richness of bird species is closely related to the type of habitat/vegetation, namely secondary forest conditions ... -
Bola Energi Untuk Pertumbuhan Tanaman Yang Luar Biasa
(2023-12)Permasalahan utama di dalam budidaya adalah seringkali pertumbuhan lambat ditambah dengan kondisi tanaman yang kurang subur dan kondisi lingkungan yang tidak kondusif maka seringkali tanaman tumbuh merana. Banyak pembudidaya ... -
Botanic Gardens and Their Role in Plant Biodiversity Conservation
(1992)Kebun raya telah memainkan peranan penting dalam kebudayaan dan peradaban manusia. Kebun raya dalam arti koleksi spesimen tumbuhan hidup tumbuh dan berkembang untuk berbagai tujuan, antara lain: pendidikan, rekreasi, ... -
Checklist Biodiversitas Satwaliar Taman Nasional Gunung Gede Pangrango Jawa Barat
(2023)Secara geografi Taman Nasional Gunung Gede Pangrango (TNGP) terletak antara 106º 51’ - 107º 02’ BT dan 6º 51’ LS. TNGGP yang awalnya memiliki luas 15.196 Ha dan terletak di 3 (tiga) wilayah kabupaten yaitu Cianjur (3.599,29 ... -
Differences in Size among Waterbird Eggs in Pulau Rambut : Some Preliminary Observations
(1991)Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk ntengetahui ukuran (berat, lebar dun pmjang) telur 7 jenis bumng nterandai di Pulau Rambut sebagai salah saac u M a untuk mengenali sarang ntereka. Telur ketujuh jenis burung ini mentiliki ... -
Diversity Of Bird Species In The Green Belt (Fire Break) Estate Pelelawan Pt Riau Andalan Pulp And Paper Riau Province
(2024-06)The diversity of bird species can be used as a measure of environmental stability. Information and data regarding bird species and their diversity in the fire break/green belt (fire break) area does not yet exist. Therefore ... -
Ecology Of Avian Community Of Pulau Rambut : Population, Nest Site Distribution, and Foraging Sites
(2001)There is only a few herofii-y,of waterbirds in Indonesia, and one of them is Fulau Rambut Wildlife Sanctuary. Various waterbird species in a hclge nmber usa the island as their home, despite the fact that the sanctuary is ... -
Ekosistem Gua Karst dan Peranannya sebagai Habitat Burung Walet
(2010)A cave is a natural phenomenon, formed by the processes of corrosion and erosion which lasted hundreds of years. Because of its unique physical and biotic conditions, a cave is an interesting ecosystem which energy and ... -
Ekosistem Perairan Lahan Perkebunan Kelapa Sawit PT. Sampoerna Agro Tbk. Di Sumatera Selatan
(2024)Perkembangan perkebunan kelapa sawit di Indonesia selain memenuhi kebutuhan ekonomi juga dapat mengakibatkan dampak negative terhadap lingkungan. Pemnggunaan lahan-lahan berawa untuk Perkebunan kelapa sawit di Sumatera ... -
Endoparasotes Of Two species Of Edible Frogs, Limnonectes macrodon, Boie and Fejervaya cancrivora, Gravenhorst, From Bogor, Indonesia
(2003)Seventy five adult Lirnnanectes macrodon and 50 F e j m r y a cancriwra collected from three subdistricts in Bogor were anal+ for endoparasites. We found eleven species of parasites; seven species from the phylum Nematoda ...