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dc.contributor.advisorLay, Bibiana Widiati
dc.contributor.advisorFauzi, Akhmad
dc.contributor.advisorRiani, Etty
dc.contributor.authorChalik, Alex Abdi
dc.description.abstractSolid waste is still considered as worthless goods, so that it is still causing many problems. The purpose of this study is to formulate a sustainable urban waste management policy. The study was conducted in DKI Jakarta. The research is devided into four stages of analyses which include the availability and needed of land for a solid waste treatment, waste treatment technology optimization analysis of environmentally friendly, multi-criteria evaluation and policy analysis. Indonesia has many waste management policy, but not synergize together and not yet operational. Solid Waste management in DKI Jakarta has led to efforts to minimize waste, and waste reduction programs integrated between recycling, composting, combustion (incineration) and waste disposal system with a system of sanitary landfills, and will be pursued to zero waste program. DKI Jakarta needs to improve management efficiency and improved quality of service to the community, one with separation of regulator and operator functions, but managed by one institution to improve its performance and to cover the financing gap, ideally to cooperate with the private sector. The result of regression analysis shows a significant effect of economic growth in waste generation and characteristics. Increased in prosperity will increase the amount of inorganic waste, and lower amount of organic waste. Increased inorganic waste will increase the calorie content which is more beneficial if done with incinerator waste to energy (WTE), while providing the understanding that the waste is a resource that can be utilized as an energy alternative to electricity. Production of electricity from WTE incinerator is influenced by the calorie content, and type of waste. WTE incinerators have the advantage in processing speed and the required land area, but WTE incinerator required high initial investment. The result of CBA analysis shows that WTE incinerator is more expensive, but it is the most cost effective in the long term (25 years). The variables have a very strong influence on the cost of processing waste is waste transportation costs. In the context of environmental, sanitary landfill waste treatment system, which is placed far away from services area, can lead to a much larger greenhouse gases and generate leachate. The existence of designated land use and changes that are uncontrolled by DKI Jakarta complicate the placement of garbage processing unit. WTE technology or HRC which indoor system is more acceptable to local communities, compared to the open SLF. Incinerator technology is more efficient for processing large scale with a capacity of more than 500 tons / day, with the optimal point on the capacity of 3000 tons / day, which is supported by segregation. Organic waste treatment system is most optimal at high-rate composting system (HRC). WTE processing unit and HRC, should be placed in administrative of DKI. The sensitivity analysis shows that if the government would buy in a good price the electricity production and energy from solid waste, will raise the level of feasibility WTE incinerator system. Implementation of WTE incinerator technology, need to involve the private sector.en
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
dc.subjectWaste To Energy (WTE)en
dc.subjectBogor Agricultural University (IPB)en
dc.titleFormulasi kebijakan sistem pengolahan sampah perkotaan berkelanjutanen, A.Md 2013-01-10 Edit:Keyword
dc.subject.keywordHigh-Rate Composting (HRC)
dc.subject.keywordSanitary Landfill

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