Browsing Faculty of Agriculture by Title
Now showing items 1-20 of 1381
1-MCP application to prolong avocado shelflife
(2014-08)1-MCP inhibits the activity of ethylene by blocking ethylene perception. For climacteric fruits like avocado, 1-MCP application is expected to delay the climacteric process, so as to extend shelf-life. In this study, 1-MCP ... -
22 Desain Taman Jepang
(2008) -
A Study of Spatial Pattern of Suburnization Process --A Case Study in Jakarta Suburb--
(2000)As well as urbanization trends in many other countries, the pattern of urbanization in Indonesia has two dominant trends. First, on the national scale, there is an increasing concentration of people and production in one ... -
Absorption capability of HDTMA-activated bentonite on organic and inorganic pollutant in some industrial liquid waste
(2008)Bentonite is a mining material with montmorillonite clay mineral as main component. This mineral possesses high cations exchange capacity therefore naturally capable to absorb cationic pollutant... -
Abundance, biomass and diversity of soil fauna at different ecosystems in Jakenan, Pati, Central Java
(2004)The assessment of soil fauna in three different ecosystems namely teak forest, home garden and fallow paddyfield had been studied in Pati, Central Java. The soil fauna was collected using a soil corer of 20 cm diameter to ... -
Accuracy of mapwindow and SWAT watershed model in simulating hydrologic characteristics of Cisadane Watershed, West Java Indonesia
(2010)Pressure of population growth has induced land use change around Cisadane Watershed... -
Achievement of Indonesian Sustainable Palm Oil Standards of Palm Oil Plantation Management in East Borneo Indonesia
(2014)There has been a strong opinion toward the industry of palm oil plantation in Indonesia, indicating that this industry has caused the destruction of environment in Indonesia... -
Acid mine drainage management in Indonesian mines
(2011)The Indonesian mining industry is experiencing significant progress due to a more investment-friendly mining policy... -
Acute Toxicity and Gross Pathology Effect of Leaf Extract Tephrosia vogelii on White Rat (Rattus norvegicus albinos)
(2023)Leaf extract of Tephrosia vogelii has been extensively tested and proven its effectiveness as a pesticide against some species of insect pests. Botanical insecticides that can be used as integrated pest management in the ... -
Adaptasi anatomis pohon roof garden
(2005)Penelitian ini dilatar belakangi oleh adanya suatu bentuk alternatif taman yang berada di atap suatu bangunan (roof garden) yang disebabkan oleh semakin terbatasnya lahan yang telah digunakan untuk menyediakan ruang bagi ... -
Adaptasi galur-galur cabai unggulan IPB di Kabupaten Kuantan Singingi, Riau
(2011)Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengevaluasi 14 galur cabai hasil pemuliaan Tim Pemulia Cabai Departemen Agronomi dan Hortikultura IPB, dan 5 varietas cabai komersil sebagai pembanding di lingkungan spesifik. Penelitian ini ... -
Adaptasi pertumbuhan dan kandungan flavonoid daun Dewa (Gynura pseudochina (L.) DC) asal kultur in vitro pada intensitas cahaya rendah
(2007)Daun dewa (Gynura pseudochina (L.) DC) telah digunakan sebagai obat anti kanker oleh masyarakat Indonesia, karena mengandung bahan bioaktif khususnya senyawa golongan flavonoid. Untuk meningkatkan kandungan flavonoid daun ... -
Adopsi Inovas Pengendalian Hama Terpadu Oleh Petani: Kasus Di Kabupaten Karawang, Jawa Barat
(2001)Tujuan dari studi ini adalah untuk mengetahui tingkat persepsi dan adopsi inovasi Pengendalian Hama Terpadu (PHT) oleh petani dan untuk mengidentifikasi faktor-faktor yang berhubungan dengan tingkat adopsi. Hasil penelitian ... -
Adsorpsi dan desorpsi ion kromium (VI) pada HDTMA-BENTONIT
(2012)Bentonit memiliki kemampuan adsorpsi yang tinggi terhadap kation seperti dicerminkan oleh nilai kapasitas tukar kationnya (KTK) yang tinggi... -
Agriculture profile and sustainability in Okinawa Prefecture Japan and East Java Province of Indonesia and its future development
(2009)East Java Province’s agricultural profile from the past 20 years identified the change in crop varieties which cultivate all over the rice field area. The accelerating agricultural intensification over the past 20 years ... -
Agromyzindo-ID v 1.0 : Program komputer untuk identifikasi lalat pengorok daun lirionmyza Spp. (Dyptera : Agromyzidae)
(2010)Lalat pengorok daun Liriornyza spp. (Diptera: Agromyzidae) pertama kali dilaporkan pada tahun 1994 di daerah sentra pertanaman sayuran di Indonesia. Selama ini identifikasi lalat ini cukup sulit dilakukan, untuk itu ... -
Agronomic Performance and Yield Potential of 18 Corn Varieties in Indonesia
(2014-03)Corn is an important crop in Indonesia, yet the national average production is still relatively low (4.5 t ha-1). The objective of this study were (1) to evaluate agronomic performance of 18 Indonesia corn varieties and ... -
AGROPOLITAN (Strategi Pengembangan Pusat Pertumbuhan pada Kawasan Perdesaan)
(2008)Kemiskinan di perdesaan lebih banyak disalahartikan oleh para pengamat di luar desa...