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Model pengelolaan lahan gambut berbasis sumberdaya lokal pada agroekologi perkebunan kelapa sawit : studi kasus agroekologi perkebunan kelapa sawit rakyat di Kabupaten Bengkalis-Meranti Provinsi Riau

dc.contributor.advisorSabiham, Supiandi
dc.contributor.advisorPramudya, Bambang
dc.description.abstractOil palm plantations on peatlands are faced with problems of land degradation, emission of greenhouse gases (GHG) and biodiversity loss. This study was aimed to (1) identify changes in biophysical characteristics of peatlands, (2) assess the sustainability of peatland management, (3) examine important factors that affect peatland management, and (4) formulate a local resource-based model of peatland management on the agroecology of smallholder oil palm plantations. Research sites were in the Regency of Bengkalis-Meranti, Riau Province on marine and brackish peat. The data was collected using a survey method, field observations and measurements, in-depth interviews and documentation. The biophysical characteristics of peatland were analyzed descriptively. The sustainability of peatland management was assessed in dimensions of ecology, economy, socio-cultural aspects, technology and infrastructure, legal and institutional aspects, and analyzed by using the Multi Dimensional Scaling (MDS) with the technique of Rap-Insus Landmag (Rapid Appraisal-Sustainability Index of Land Management). The important factors in the peatland management were determined through a prospective analysis. The formulation of the local resourcebased model of peatland management in oil palm plantations was done by integrating MDS, leverage and prospective analysis. The research results showed that the biophysical characteristics of peatland experienced changes in the horizon profile, peat thickness, decomposition level, moisture content, ash content, pH, C-organic and biomass. The sustainability index of peatland management is at the level of less-to-moderate category. The dominant factors affecting the sustainability of peatland management (G) on oil palm plantations are the management system of water and land (a),community empowerment (p), cooperation among stakeholders (s), management of oil palm production (t), processing industry (i), structure and access to capital (m). The model of peatland management is an interaction between the dominant factors in the relationship of function G = f (a, p, s, t, i, m).en
dc.description.abstractLahan gambut merupakan salah satu tipe ekosistem yang terbentuk pada kondisi anaerob (drainase buruk) di rawa pasang surut atau lebak dan mengandung bahan organik (> 50%) dari hasil akumulasi sisa tanaman dengan ketebalan lebih dari 50 cm. Lahan gambut memberikan beberapa pelayanan (services) ekologi, ekonomi dan sosial yang potensial untuk dikembangkan sebagai sistem pendukung kehidupan (life supporting system). Pengembangan kelapa sawit pada lahan gambut dihadapkan pada permasalahan degradasi lingkungan seperti potensi emisi CO2 sebagai gas rumah kaca (GRK), penyebab utama bencana kebakaran lahan dan konflik sosial antara masyarakat dan perusahaan. Pemanfaatan lahan gambut untuk perkebunan kelapa sawit diharapkan mampu menjaga keberlanjutan fungsi ekologi, ekonomi dan sosial pada ekosistem tersebut. Untuk itu perlu dilakukan kajian yang integratif agar diperoleh informasi tentang hal-hal yang mendasari fungsi lingkungan dan produksi pada agroekologi perkebunan kelapa sawit pada lahan gambut.
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
dc.subjectmanagement modelen
dc.subjectlocal resourceen
dc.subjectoil palm plantationsen
dc.titleLocal resource-based model of peatland management on agroecology of oil palm plantations: a case study on agroecology of smallholder oil palm plantations in the Regency of Bengkalis-Meranti, Riau Provinceen
dc.titleModel pengelolaan lahan gambut berbasis sumberdaya lokal pada agroekologi perkebunan kelapa sawit : studi kasus agroekologi perkebunan kelapa sawit rakyat di Kabupaten Bengkalis-Meranti Provinsi Riau meranti riau lahan gambut perkebunan kelapa sawit
dc.subject.keywordlahan gambut
dc.subject.keywordperkebunan kelapa sawit

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