Manfaat suplementasi daun bangun-bangun (Coleus amboinicus L.) dan kombinasi zinc - vitamin E dalam ransum basal terhadap fermentasi rumen in vitro kambing peranakan etawa
Rumetor, Sientje Daisy
Jachja, Jajat
R. Widjajakusuma
Permana, Idat Galih
Sutama, I Ketut
Show full item recordAbstract
The objective of the research is to examine Coleus amboinicus Lour supplementation affect in basal ration on in vitro rumen fermentation as basic information of etawa crossbred rumen bioprocess. Six treatments were Incubated in liquid ruminal fluid with 30 : 70 forage: concentrate diet. Treatments were control (no supplement), basal ration+zinc-vitamin E, basal ration + 3% coleus amboinicus, basal ratlon+3% coleus amboinicus+zinc-vitamin E, basal ration + 9% coleus amboinicus, basal ration+9% coleus amboinicus+zinc-vitamin E. The result show that supplementation of coleus amboinicus and zinc-vitamin E combination can increase dry matter digestibility from 58,40% to 75.54%, organic matter digestibility from 60.35% to 78.20% aid total VFA from 111.15 mM to 167 10 mM but decrease N-NH3from 10,29 mM to 8.57 mM and total rumen microbial (TPC) from 52x10 to 46x10s, while rumen pH defended at 6.15 -6.25.