Kajian faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi kepuasan mahasiswa dalam pelaksanaan pendidikan di Institut Pertanian Bogor
University as one of the educational service organization now experiencing fundamental alterations which are not merely caused by developments of science, technology, and art but also by public expectations toward the role of college i initiataing the future. To fulfill it the university must continuously increase the efforts to obtain the public trust through inceasing in quality assurance, quality control, and quality improvement to meet the need of the alterations. For those purposes, university has to evaluate the quality of its educational services. Evaluation on service quality make us knowledgeable what is actually expected by student and their perception in received service qualilty. This means that university have to attract student candidate asa service user and also maintain confidence through creating student satisfaction, and give alternative recommendation strategy whch can be useful for IPB improvement and expansion. To measure the student satisfaction, this research applies IPA and CSI methods, while to analyze student’ satisfaction of service attributes which related with confidence and performance of students, using SEM purposed to look for the biggest factor that influence most. Based on the analysis, this research found that assurance and reability influence positively toward satisfaction. In addition, satisfaction influenced positively toward confidence. Furthermore, based on IPA the reserach found that the most important factor needs improvement is the attitude of the administration staffs in serving (Diploma Program); the convenience of the room used, facilities, and cleanliness, accuracy of grade information (GPA), campus security, resposiveness of the administration staffs to handle complains, retest in due time (Undergraduated Program); convenience of the room, facilities, cleanliness, and bathroom cleanliness, accuracy in providing schedule, resposiveness of the administration staffs to handle complains (Postgraduated Program).
- MT - Economic and Management [3015]