Analisis faktor yang mempengaruhi preferensi konsumen produk air minum dalam kemasan di Bogor
Mineral water is drinkable water with a high mineral salt or gas content, either obtained from a mineral spring or with minerals added. It is usually sold in bottles and satisfy the minimum standard prevailed. Nowadays, the need for mineral water increase following the increase of population. Based on the Central Bureau Statistics (BPS) data, the consumption of mineral water in Indonesia was 1.408-148.000 liter in 1994 and if increased up to 3.643.138.000 liter in 2000. Forestalling the enormous need d fresh, and din-free water, many corporations are growing to provide and produce mineral water. A corporation marketer needs to understand whar the customer needs, perception, preference and behavior in order to satisfy the customer. Therefore, analyzing the factors of costumer preference toward the mineral water become important to be investigated. The purpose of this research is to know the customer characteristics and to identify the attributes of mineral water affecting the customer to choose different type of the products. The other purpose is tp compare some cf mineral water brands in the market. The method used to measure the customer preference is Fishbein Multi Attributes Behavior Model. Finding shows that the most important attributes to develop mineral water is higienti followed by smell, price, accessibility, taste, advenismem, packaging and brand images. Generally, cosiumer prefer the mineral warer with brand of Aqua than the other brands.