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dc.contributor.advisorDharmawan, Arya Hadi
dc.contributor.authorAfianti, Rizki
dc.description.abstractAgro-industry is an industry which has activities that processing the agricultural products into value product. Tofu processing industry is one of the small-scale agro-industry that process soy as into the agricultural food products called tofu. The purpose of this study are to explain the public respons against the socio-economic and socio-ecology about the presence of tofu processing industries in Kampung Cikaret. Public respons about the presence of tofu processing industries in the region is seen based on the layer of households that were made by the calculation of household income structure. This research method used a quantitative approach supported by qualitative approaches. Primary data was obtained through direct interviews and questionnaires. Secondary data obtained through the documentation and study of literature. The data has been generated and then processed using cross tabulation and descriptive analysis. The analysis unit in this study is the household, to obtain data on income levels and health levels. The interview was done to the head of household to obtain data on opinions about the presence of tofu processing industries in Kampung Cikaret. The selection of respondents used simple random sampling by focusing on one location of Kampung Cikaret. The choice of location was based on a homogeneous society who lived on the outskirt of the river and use it. The research showed that the social, economic and socio-ecology point of views for the presence of tofu processing industries in Kampung Cikaret are affected by the layers of household respondents. Respondent’s opinion about the economic aspects were researched by the work opportunities in tofu processing industries in the local community. There were only a few respondents said that there are work opportunities for local people. In the social aspect of opinion of respondents about the level of competition with immigrants for work in the tofu processing industry. There were a few respondents who claimed that there was competition between immigrants and local communities to work on tofu processing industries. The respondents in the top layer, middle layer and bottom layer stated there is no competition with local communities to work in tofu processing industries. the dominant respondents stated that the social relations between migrants and the local community are good. The socio-ecological impacts of the pollution level of river conditions are seen both before and after the presence of tofu processing industry. Respondents have the opinion that before the presence of tofu processing industry in the region, the rivers were clean, but after the presence of tofu processing industry in the region, the river is not as clean as before. The river which is become one of the quality water source used by local communities was appearing the opinions about the pollution levels of the water sources over the presence of tofu processing industry. Beside that, there are opinions about the comfort level of living and health. When it comes to household’s health level, only two respondents who said that they had itching experience caused by interact with the river that has been polluted by tofu waste. Levels of conflict about the smell and polluted water sources, are only happen in complain level.en
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
dc.subjectTofu processing industryen
dc.subjectKampung Cikareten
dc.titleRespon masyarakat lokal atas kehadiran industri pengolahan tahu (studi kasus: kampung Cikaret, kalurahan Cikaret, kecamatan Bogor Selatan, kota Bogor, Jawa Barat)en

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