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dc.contributor.authorSetiawan, Adi
dc.description.abstractBagasse is the solid waste sugar industry and relatively abundant (30-40%). Sugarcane planted area in Indonesia reaches 395,399.44 hectare and potentially to achieve national bagasse 39,539,944 tons per year. As well as produced sludge each day around 10-50 %. Sludge has quite high carbon content and nitrogen, thus potentially to be composting. Co-composting is one of the alternative solutions in the utilization of industrial solid waste of sugar. One of them is the bagasse and sludge with complementary characteristics, thus simplifying the process of composting. Composting methods and that techniques applied are aerated static pile system and using two factorial of aeration and formulation. Aeration factor conducted by active and passive aeration, while the formulation conducted by a factor of 0%, 25%, and 50% sludge. Composting process carried out during the sixty days with active aeration at first week. Analysis results showed that aeration technique proved didn’t have significant effect in changing C/N value. After analysis of variance and advanced test showed that the formulation of three different stages proved significantly different of C/N and significant at 50% sludge. Generally, aeration factor and formulation are not related yet and do not have any significant interaction to co-composting C/N value. There is need for advanced research until the value of C/N can achieve the appropriate standard of quality compost.en
dc.publisherBogor Agricultural University (IPB)
dc.titleCo-composting bagasse dengan sludge limbah industri gula menggunakan teknik aerasi dan pengaruhnya terhadap nilai c/nen
dc.title.alternativeCo-composting bagasse with sludge sugar industry waste using aeration techniques and its effect in value of c/nen

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