Total factor productivity dan dampaknya terhadap kesempatan kerja di Propinsi Sulawesi Selatan
Generally, this study aims to analyze sources of economic growth, including technology (total factor productivity) and the effect toward the sectoral job opportunity in South Sulawesi. Total factor productivity (TFP) is counted by indirect accounting method. The job opportunity is analyzed by using ordinary least squares model. The result of analysis indicated that the economic growth of south Sulawesi is not based on labor dense sector, labor growth only 1.70% and capital growth 1.87%, while TFP growth 2.31%. The high growth of TFP is mainly in industrial sector (5.08%), while the TFP growth in agricultural sector decreased, specially, since monetary crisis, with the average growth -0.94%. Furthermore, TFP in urban industrial sector significantly reduced job opportunity, while in agricultural sector and in rural industrial sector significantly supporting enlarged job opportunity. The sectoral job opportunity is also influenced by demand sides of economic growth resources, however there are only investment and export sectors that consistently has positive significance in all sectors, while others even reduce job opportunity in certain sector, especially agricultural sector.