Aktifitas antibakteri dan efek terapeutik ekstrak cacinc tanah Lumbricus rabellus secara in vitro dan in vivo pada mencit berdasarkan gambaran patologi anatomi dan histopatologi

Priosoeryanto, Bambang Pontjo
Poeloengan, Masniari
Tiuria, Risa
Utami, Magdalena Pancaningtyas
Ilyas, Yelly Afrita
Utoro, Hendro Prasetyo
Show full item recordAbstract
The aim of this reseach is to observe the antibacterial activity and effectivety of earth worm Lumbricus rubelius extract in vitro against Escherichia coli. Staphylococcus aurues. Staphylococcus epidermidis, Salmonella pullorum and Salmonella typhi on agar cultwe, prevention and treatment effects on Salmonella typhi-infected mice base on the macro and microscopic lesion examination of the liver, spleen, kidney, lung, intestine, heart and brain. In vitro observation indicated that there was a growth inhibition effect on all bacteria and the highest inhibition was occured on Salmonella pulorum. The optimum worm extract con¬centration on growth inhibition was 50%. The prevention effect was done by using the worm extract concen¬tration of 12.5%; 25% and 50% to the mouse before infection with Salmonella typhi. Histopathologically, there was a tissue damage inhibition in all organs examined on all extract concentration compared to the infected-mice without extract (P<0.05) and 50% of extract concentration gave the highest damage inhibition. On the treatment effect assay, mice were infected with Salmonella typhi and then treated with worm extract Treatment with worm extract could decreased the degree of tissue damaged in all concentration compared to the infected-mice without extract (P<0,05) and the concentration of 25% gave the highest result on all organs examined. The present study showed that the extract of Lumbricus rubelius have an antibociery and theurapeutic activities on bacterial disease, we suggest that the extract of earth worm Lumbricus rubelius could be use as an alternative medicine on the treatment of bacterial infection. To clarify this phenomenon, further study should be conducted.
- Faculty of Veterinary [269]