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dc.contributor.authorYusuf, Mega Ayu
dc.description.abstractWaste with high level of salinity is usually difficult for microorganism to degrade because the high level of saliity concentration in the environment or waste can hamper microorganism to reduce organic materials in it. High level of salinity can hamper the function of bacteria metanogen in reducing organic material and asetat acid to become gas or metan. Reduction of sulfate and metabolism H2 may also be hampered in high level of salinity concentration. In ecosystem, anaerobic fermentation can produce CO2, C& and H2S. However, this is hard to do in waste with high level of saliity where there is an acummulation of VFA and H2. Generally, ecosystem with high level of salidity can hamper and limit the growth of bacteria and microorganism. The optimum limit of salinity concentration for vertebrate (Tilapia spp.) is around 10 percent. Above this level, only invertabrate species such as brine shrimp (Artemia salina) or brine tlies, alga genus (Dunaliella salina), bacteria (wich belong to Halobacteriaceae and Haloanaerobiaceae, methanogen, etc.), and cyanobacteria (Oscillatoria spp.) which have been identified. This research was aimed at studying degradation process of organic materials in anaerobic condition with high level of salinity concentration and determining kinetic parameter value for liquid waste with high level of salinity concentration. The main research was conducted with three operation conditions with inoculum as much as 15 % out of total sample volume in which a number treatments in terms of adding salt fiom 0 mgkg (reactor l), 32 mgkg (reactor 2), to 52 mgkg (reactor 3). This research was used some synthetic liquid waste (molases) with inoculum came fiom salt made location. The initial COD content in molases which has been made into liquid is averagely out of two test was 400000 mg/l. The COD content required for this reserach was 4000 mg/l. The analyses conducted were those of COD, MLSS, MLVSS, and gas production. It also analysed caused of addition of trace element and the calculation of kinetic parameter.en
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
dc.titleKajian proses degradasi bahan organik limbah cair pada kondisi anaerobik dengan konsentrasi garam tinggien

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