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dc.contributor.authorRachmayanti, Dewi Kasita
dc.description.abstractEducation was one of the service fields in order to bring about the process pembelajaran so that participants educated actively developed the potential himself to have the spiritual strength of piety, self control, the identity, intelligence, the noble moral, as well as skills that was needed from him, the community, the nation, and the country. Edukatif centres carried out the competitive process with the agency bimbel in the Bogor city by carrying out the exact and superior strategy. The promotion was the strategy that until this became the main priority. EPIC Model and Direct Rating Method were used to evaluate the strength of a promotion that was linked with the promotion capacity to get attention, was easy not him the promotion was read thoroughly, was easy not him the promotion was understood, the promotion capacity to awaken the feeling and this promotion capacity to influence the behaviour.en
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
dc.titleAnalisis perhitungan harga pokok produksi sepatu dengan metode full costing: studi kasus UKM Galaksi Kampung Kabandungan, Ciapus, Bogoren

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