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Institutional system engineering support for quality assurance of raw material supply of cattle hides for gelatin agro industry development

dc.contributor.advisorSa’id, E. Gumbira
dc.contributor.advisorMunandar, Jono M.
dc.contributor.authorNur, Syarifuddin
dc.description.abstractDalam penyediaan produk bermutu dan halal, terdapat beberapa kriteria yang harus dipenuhi ditinjau dari segi jenis bahan atau zat (materinya), cara penyiapannya dan usaha untuk mendapatkannya. Walaupun produk yang dikaji berasal dari kulit sapi, tetapi produk tersebut tidak dapat langsung dianggap sebagai produk halal, tanpa terlebih dahulu melalui proses penelusuran dan standarisasi halal yang berlaku. Untuk melakukan penelusuran bahan baku produk gelatin dibutuhkan suatu sistem yang efektif agar memudahkan pihak pengguna dalam mendapatkan informasi asal-muasal bahan baku dan proses pengelolaan bahan tersebut pada setiap tahapan proses mulai dari bahan baku mentah sampai ke produk jadi. Sistem penelusuran (traceability system) melibatkan berbagai pihak yang mempunyai kebutuhan dan tujuan yang berbeda dalam proses penyediaan bahan baku. Oleh karena itu perlu ada rekayasa sistem kelembagaan yang dapat mengatur dan menangani proses penelusuran dan pengadaan bahan baku gelatin sehingga dapat memberikan jaminan asal usul bahan baku dan memudahkan pihak industri maupun pengguna gelatin untuk membuat standarisasi mutu seperti standarisasi halal.en
dc.description.abstractIn the supply of quality and halal products, there are several criteria that must be fulfilled in terms of types of material, the preparati on method and the effort to obtain it. Although the reviewed product derived from cattle hides, this product cannot be automatically considered as a halal product, without getting through traceability process and the applicable halal standardization in advance. A traceability of gelatine raw material would require an effective system for the users in collecting information about the origin of raw materials and the materials management process at every stage of the process, starting from raw materials to finished product. The traceability system involves various parties who have different needs and goals in the process of supplying raw materials. Therefore, there should be institutional system engineering that can manage and handle the traceability process and the procurement of gelatine raw materials in order to provide assurance for the origin of raw materials and facilitate the industry, as well as the users of gelatine in making the standardization of quality, such as halal standards.
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
dc.subjectgelatin, model kelembagaan, bahan baku, penelusuran, jaminan mutu, kulit sapi.en
dc.titleDukungan rekayasa sistem kelembagaan jaminan mutu pasokan bahan baku kulit sapi untuk pengembangan agroindustri gelatinid
dc.titleInstitutional system engineering support for quality assurance of raw material supply of cattle hides for gelatin agro industry developmenten 2013-01-16 Edit: advisor, keyword
dc.subject.keywordCattle hides
dc.subject.keywordInterpretive Stuructural Modeling
dc.subject.keywordRaw material supply

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