Jurnal Lanskap Indonesia
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Karateristik Habitat Musim Dingin Sikep Madu Asia (Pernis Ptylorhynchus) Di Talaga Bodas, Jawa Barat Berbasis Data Satellite Tracking
(2013)Onental Honey 811::.zards (OHBs, Penns ptilorliy11chus) are migratory rnptors w/11d1 hnve w111/eri11g grounds 111 f11don es1n. OHBs' wrnlcring Jw/11/11/s c1111 be drmded mlo core and edge J111b1tals w1l11 unique landsrnpe ... -
Pungsu: Geomansi lanskap Korea
(2012)Geomancy is form-recognized art of earth’s ki energy interaction with community culture. Ki and its existence in a place can be identified because its linked to geographical features of landscape. In Korea, this spatial ... -
Communicating and evaluating landscape design concepts online with a virtual reality landscape model
(2012)ABSTRACT: The communication betzoeen designers and users is needed in orfur to maintain a higlt leoel of engagement among the public participants, especially in case study euhich is considering the emtironment. The objectiae ... -
Evaluasi keberlanjutan masyarakat Baddy dalam berdasarkan community sustainability Assessment
(2012)Nowadays human settlements are using a large amount of fossil fuels and natural resources that produce pollutions. Environment quality is degrading each year causing many disaster occurring all over the world including ... -
Studi Fenologi Dan Determinas1 Arsitektur Pohon Hias (Phenology and Architectural Form Determination of Ornamental Trees)
(2005)A study was conducted to explore phenology and tree architectural form of four species of common ornamental (Cassia surattensis, Erythrina crista-galli, Spathodea campanulata and Maniltoa gemmipara). A survey was conducted ... -
Evaluasi kualitas Estet1ka lanskap Kota Bogor (Evaluation of Landscape Aesthetic Quality of Bogor City)
(2005)Bogor city has many visual aesthetic resourses should be evaluated to improve the urban landscape quality. Purpose of this research is to evaluate landscape aesthetic quality of Bogor city. There were 46 vantage points ... -
Studi potensi lanskap sejarah untuk pengembangan wisata sejarah di kota Bogor
(2010)Bogor has main role in Sundanese history, so there are many historical heritages which are needed to be conserved. One of the effort is tourism development. The research was conducted to analize historical landscape potency ... -
Studi elemen mental map lanskap kota Pekanbaru
(2010)In urban development, it is a must in paying attention to and considering the history development of one area that occured in the past, so that legibility of space and special characteristic of the city is formed. Special ... -
Identifikasi dan rencana pengembangan kawasan wisata budaya koridor sungai kapuas - kota pontianak
(2010)Kapuas river which run in the middle of the city of Pontianak, known as the longest river in Indonesia. It has economic function significantly, and also historically site, is the origin site of Malay culture at Pontianak. ... -
Rencana pengembangan dan pengelolaan lanskap kawasan obyek wisata Danau Kerinci, Kabupaten Kerinci, Jambi
(2007)Kerinci Lake tourism area is located in Kerinci Seblat National Park area, consists of swamp and lake areas that maintain its beauty and natural ecosystem. This research was conducted to study and to analyze the existing ...