Pendugaan Bobot Badan Melalui analisis Morfometrik dengan Pendekatan Regresi Terbaik Best - Subset pada domba Garut Tipe Pedaging, Tangkas dan Persilangannya
The aims of this study were to estimate body weight and to determine the best equation which can be used to estimate body weight of fighting and meat Garut sheep and its crossbreed type at district and outdistrict Garut. This study used primary data of Garut sheep from Garut district consisting of Margawati, Wanaraja and Sukawening. For outdistrict Garut, it was used Garut sheep from Bogor consisting of Ciomas and Cinagara. The total number of sheep collected were 531 heads. The differences of body measurements locations were analyzed by t-test, Correlation, and Regression Multiple Linear Regression and Polynomial Regression (Linear, Quadratic, and Cubic) Analyses. The results showed that body weight of fighting and meat rams and ewes from Wanaraja were the highset than another Garut sheep and crossbreed. The highest body measurements were found from Wanaraja (fighting and meat type) and Sukawening (fighting type) sheep and the lowest body measurements were found from Margawati and Cinagara. Whilst that some body measurements of rams were not different (P>0.05). Correlation coefficient between body weight and various body measurements body lenght, weither height, chest deep and chest circumference of Garut Sheep were highest at district and outdistrict of Garut. The best regression equations to describe the relation ship between body weight and body measurements for rams and ewes Garut sheep at district and outdistrict Garut were multiple regression equations. The highest determination coefficient (100%) was shown for meat type from Wanaraja and the lowest one (93.93%) was shown of fighting type from Sukawening.