Chemistry: Recent submissions
Now showing items 101-120 of 143
GC-MS and NMR Analysis of ethyl-p-methoxycinnamate Isolated from Kaempferia galanga L Using Distillation Method
(2012-11-22)The purpose of this research were to isolate and analyze ethyl-p-methoxycinnamate which is the main component of Kaempferia galanga L. Volatile oil of K. galanga L obtained by distilled fresh rhizom using simple distillation ... -
Aktivitas antioksidan lignin dari lindi hitam kraft berbahan baku kayu acacia mangium
(2012-11-20)Abstrak. Lindi hitam, yaitu sisa pemasak yang dihasilkan dari proses pembuatan pulp, dapat ditingkatkan pemanfaatannya melalui isolasi dan pemurnian sehingga dihasilkan berbagai produk yang bermanfaat. Salah satu komponen ... -
Antioxidative Activity of Lignin from Oil Palm Empty Fruit Bunch
(2012-11-20)ABSTRACT. Improvement of oil palm plantation results in increased palm oil :'oduction, Empty fruit bunches (EFB) are oil paim solid waste containing ,';)celluloses, In this study, the use of lignin content of EFB as ... -
Produksi gas karbon dioksida selama proses bioremediasi limbah heavy oil dengan teknik landfarming
(2010)Bioremediation is defined as biological degradation process of organic or inorganic wastes in a controlled condition to control and reduce their amount in the environment. In this study, the soil which had been poluted by ... -
Analisis Rolling Oil Komersial dan Telaah Awal Pemanfaatan Minyak Sawit Sebagai Bahan Dasar Rolling Oil
(2011)Pada proses penipisan baja dibutuhkan suatu pelumas yang dikenal dengan rolling oil. Fungsi utama rolling oil adalah untuk mengendalikan gesekan dan melindungi lembaran baja dan rol dari goresan dan kerusakan lainnya. Bahan ... -
Separation of Picung (Pangium edule REINW.) seed for active compounds and biological activity test to Grayak caterpillar (Spodoptera litura F.)
(2007)Employing a synthetic pesticide may give harmful effect to the environtment, such as in-soil water pollution, killing natural enemy of pest, creating higher pest resistance, and secondary pest attack. The development of ... -
Perilaku Disolusi Ketoprofen Dan Indometasin Farnesil Tersalut Gel Kitosan-Gg Vol 13, No 2, 2008
(2008)Chitosan, a modification of shrimp-shell waste, has been utilized as microcapsule. However, it's fragile gel property needs to be strengthened by adding glutaraldehyde (glu) and natural hydrocolloid guar gum (gg). This ... -
Potensi daerah sidik jari spektrum inframerah sebagai penanda bioaktovitas ekstrak tanaman obat
(2007)Efficacy and quality of medicinal plant extracts depend on chemical composition therein. Therefore, to ensure its efficacy orquality, the chemical composition of extracts have to be analyzed based on its chemical marker ... -
Isolasi, Identifikasi, dan Karakterisasi Alkaloid dari Kulit Johar (Cassia siamea Lamk.)
(2010)This purpose of this research is to idate, to identify and to chmtirlze the content of alkaloid of the bark of Cassia sigmea Lamk. The bark of Cassia is used traditionally for curing the disturbancy of stomach and purgative ... -
Pemlsahan 131I Dari Hasll Belahan Inti 2 3 5 U Dengan Cara Destilasi Basah
(2010)The production of 13'1 in Indonesia is carried out by thermal neutron of natural telurium target, followed by the separation of the radiation with wet distillation. In this research the separation of l3'l from 2 3 5f~is ... -
Penapisan Senyawa Anti Rayap dari Getah Shodea Javanlca Dan Shorea Leprosula
(2001)The research was on active compounding of resin of Shorea posessing antiterrnite.The screening used petroleum eter, chloroform and HCI:H~O:CZHSO(H2: 5:8)m ixture as a solvent. Crude extract produced was tested its active ... -
The Process of Xylanase Production from Bacillus pumilus RXAIII-5
(2007)The optimum conditions for the growth or Bsclllns pnmllus RXAIII-5 (a potential xylanist producer) were nought. tbtst included trmpcraturc, pH, aeration. and agitation of the calturt batcb. Afterwards a mathematical modtl ... -
Produksi Pigmen oleh Spirulina platensis yang Ditumbuhkan pada Media Limbah Lateks Pekat
(2002)Spirulina platensis was cultured in a medium of skim latex serum under aerated agitation and low intensity of sunlight. When pH of the medium was maintained at 8.3 and optical density of the culture was kept below 1.0, the ... -
Lanostana Darl Kulit Danglo (Macaranga Javanica Muell. Arg)
(2001)Methanol extract obtained from danglo bark contains a triterpenoid compound that has been tentatively identified as 3acetoxy lanost-22-ene-24-on. The compound is able to be crystallized as white needle-like solid, soluble ... -
Distribusi Relatif Deuterium Dengan Kelimpahan Alami Sebagai Indikator Origin Senyawa Studi Kasus Molekul Timol
(2010)Paduan metode Spektrometri Massa Nisbah Isotop (SMNI) dan Resonansi Magnet Inti-Fraksionasi Isotop Alami Spesifik (RMI- FIAS) digunakan untuk menelaah distribusi relatif isotop deuterium dari berbagai origin molekul timol. ... -
Telaah Mekanisme Isomerisasi Estragol - Anetol Dengan Metode Resonansi Magnet Inti - Fraksionasi Isotopik Alami Spesifik
(2010)Analysis of hydrogen isotopic fractionation behavior in conversion of estragole to anethole have been carried out by the combined methode of site-spedii naturale isotopic fractionation and nudear magnetic resonance (Sm-NMR). ... -
Efisiensi Ekstraksi Senyawa Isoflavon Dari Akar Kedelai (Glycine max (L.) Merr.)
(2010)Soybean roots extract which have been analyzed by thin layer and high performance liquid chromatography (TLC and HPLC) showed the various isoflavonoid compounds. The ethanol extraction combined with heating process give ... -
Analisis artemisinin pada tanaman artemisia sacrorum, ledeb dengan metode kromatografi
(2001)Artemisinin, a potent antimalarial sesquiterpene endoperoxide. From the leave parts of the medicinal plant Artemisia sacforum, Ledeb were investigated artemisinin by chromatography. The result were compared with standard ... -
Isolasi Kitin Dan Senyawaan Kimia Dari Limbah Udang Windu (Penaeus monoclon)
(2010)The isolation of chitin and analysis of chemical compounds from prawn (Penaelrs tnottodon) head and shell waste was done according to the Hong K. No method (1989). The result of proximate analysis indicate 90,38% protein. ... -
Asam Fenolat Dari Ekstrak Kacang Panjang (Vignu Sinensis)
(2010)Three phenolic acids have been iisolated from the m e w 1 extract of the legume and were identified as caffeic (I), ferulic (2), and vanillic (3) acids. The structure of the three compounds have been elucidated based on ...