Browsing Chemistry by Issue Date
Now showing items 1-20 of 143
(Effect of water and soil pH stress on the existence of stress metabolites in potato (Solanum tuberosum L.
(1991)This research used potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) of Cipanas variety as the experimental plant, and w& conducted at the Department of Chemistry laboratory and Pasir Sarongge Experimental Station, on June 1989 up to April ... -
Lanostana Darl Kulit Danglo (Macaranga Javanica Muell. Arg)
(2001)Methanol extract obtained from danglo bark contains a triterpenoid compound that has been tentatively identified as 3acetoxy lanost-22-ene-24-on. The compound is able to be crystallized as white needle-like solid, soluble ... -
Penapisan Senyawa Anti Rayap dari Getah Shodea Javanlca Dan Shorea Leprosula
(2001)The research was on active compounding of resin of Shorea posessing antiterrnite.The screening used petroleum eter, chloroform and HCI:H~O:CZHSO(H2: 5:8)m ixture as a solvent. Crude extract produced was tested its active ... -
Isolasi dan Karakterisasi Dekstransukrase dari Isolat Bakteri Batang Tebu
(2001)Dextransucrase is a glucasyltransferase that catalyzes the transfer of an alpha-D-glucopyranosyl group from sucrose to dextran and releasing the fructose. Enzyme activity was determined by measuring the initial reaction ... -
Pengaruh Pemberian Yoghurt Terhadap Pertumbuhan Gigi Tlkus Putih (Rattus Norvegicus Galur Wistar)
(2001)The purpose of this research is to get information about the effect of yoghurt on the growing teeth of Rat (Rattus norvegicus strain wistaf). This research used 30 male rats, which divided into three groups. Each group ... -
Residu Pestisida pada Tiga Jenis Buah Impor
(2001)Analysis of residues of three organophosphoreus insecticides (diazinon, dimethoate and chlorpyrifos) and benzimidazole fungicides (benomyl and carbendazin) in three imported fruits (grape, apple and pear) was conductedted. ... -
Ekstraksi, Fraksinasi, Karakterisasi, dan Uji Hayati In Vitro Senyawa Bloaktlf Daun Dewa (Gynura pseudochina (Linn.) DC.) sebagai Antikanker, Tahap II
(2001)Toxicity effects of Gynura pseudochina (Linn). DC extracted with various solvents were assessed in vitro. The extracted compounds were divided into two major groups, semi polar and polar compounds and were tested for ... -
Purification of Antiangiogenesis Compound from Indonesian Shark Cartilage (Elasmobranchii) and In Vitro Assay with Endothelial Cell Culture
(2001)Shark cartilage has been recognized as an alternative medicine for cancer and other diseases caused by the angiogenesis process. In this study, the antiangiogenesis effect of crude extract, purified glycoprotein and ... -
Analisis artemisinin pada tanaman artemisia sacrorum, ledeb dengan metode kromatografi
(2001)Artemisinin, a potent antimalarial sesquiterpene endoperoxide. From the leave parts of the medicinal plant Artemisia sacforum, Ledeb were investigated artemisinin by chromatography. The result were compared with standard ... -
Ekstrak Jahe (Zingiber officinale Roscoe) Penghambat Oksldasl LDL
(2002)Oxidative modifcation of DL is believed to play an importad rde in athemgenesis. DthlonnneH,ane exfmt of ginger hhomas exhibited a stmng antioxid& edivrty using lindeic acid as substrafe. We investgated the in vRro effect ... -
Mekanisme Penghambatan Produk-produk Reaksi Maillard
(2002)To determinine the inhibitory mechanism of antibacterial MailiW reaction products (PRM), heated mixtures containing GL (glukosa-tisin) and TU (molasses-urea) were studied fcx their effect on uptake oxygen and iron solubility. ... -
Antioksidan Asam Glukuronat Dalam Fermentasi Daun Benalu Teh Oleh Konsorsium Acetobacter-Saccltaromyces
(2002)Asam glukuronat merupakan 8S8m organik yang berfungsi mendetoksifikasi racun dalam tubuh. Daun benalu teh diduga mengandung asam glukuronat karena dapat menangkal bisa ular. Pada penelitian ini daun benalu teh dimasukkan ... -
Produksi Pigmen oleh Spirulina platensis yang Ditumbuhkan pada Media Limbah Lateks Pekat
(2002)Spirulina platensis was cultured in a medium of skim latex serum under aerated agitation and low intensity of sunlight. When pH of the medium was maintained at 8.3 and optical density of the culture was kept below 1.0, the ... -
Pemanfaatan Ekstrak Selenium Pinang (Areca Catechu L.) Dengan Fermentasi Acetobacter-Saccharomyces Sebagai Antiseptik Obat Kumur
(2002)Tumbuhan di Indonesia mempakan sumber senyawa metabolit sckunder yang dapat dimanfaatkan sebagai obat. Obat tradisional telah bembad-abad lamanya dipcrgunakan secafa Illas oleh masyarakat. Salah satu tumbuhan ini ialah ... -
Indeks Massa Tubuh dan Morfometri Monyet Ekor Panjang (Macaca facicularis) di Bali
(2006)A study to determine the body mass index and the morphometry of wild long-tailed macaques was carried out in Sangeh, Aka Wton, Ubud, Pulaki and Bukit Gumang. The macaques were anaesthetized intramuscularly with combined ... -
Separation of Picung (Pangium edule REINW.) seed for active compounds and biological activity test to Grayak caterpillar (Spodoptera litura F.)
(2007)Employing a synthetic pesticide may give harmful effect to the environtment, such as in-soil water pollution, killing natural enemy of pest, creating higher pest resistance, and secondary pest attack. The development of ... -
Potensi daerah sidik jari spektrum inframerah sebagai penanda bioaktovitas ekstrak tanaman obat
(2007)Efficacy and quality of medicinal plant extracts depend on chemical composition therein. Therefore, to ensure its efficacy orquality, the chemical composition of extracts have to be analyzed based on its chemical marker ... -
The Process of Xylanase Production from Bacillus pumilus RXAIII-5
(2007)The optimum conditions for the growth or Bsclllns pnmllus RXAIII-5 (a potential xylanist producer) were nought. tbtst included trmpcraturc, pH, aeration. and agitation of the calturt batcb. Afterwards a mathematical modtl ... -
Perilaku Disolusi Ketoprofen Dan Indometasin Farnesil Tersalut Gel Kitosan-Gg Vol 13, No 2, 2008
(2008)Chitosan, a modification of shrimp-shell waste, has been utilized as microcapsule. However, it's fragile gel property needs to be strengthened by adding glutaraldehyde (glu) and natural hydrocolloid guar gum (gg). This ...