Now showing items 1-4 of 4

    • Isolasi, Identifikasi, dan Karakterisasi Alkaloid dari Kulit Johar (Cassia siamea Lamk.) 

      Astuti, Yuni | Nur, M. Anwar | Adijuwana, Hendra (2010)
      This purpose of this research is to idate, to identify and to chmtirlze the content of alkaloid of the bark of Cassia sigmea Lamk. The bark of Cassia is used traditionally for curing the disturbancy of stomach and purgative ...
    • Pembuatan Isolat Protein Terasilasi 

      Rukmini, Herastuti Sri | Nur, M. Anwar (2010)
      The utilization of rice bran in Indonesia is still very limited. It is usually used only far feed. Since its contens of protein and fat is relatively high, the potential uses for human consumption is promising. This can ...
    • The Process of Xylanase Production from Bacillus pumilus RXAIII-5 

      Richana, Nur | Irawadi, Tun Tedja | Nur, M. Anwar | Sailah, Illah | Syamsu, Khaswar (2007)
      The optimum conditions for the growth or Bsclllns pnmllus RXAIII-5 (a potential xylanist producer) were nought. tbtst included trmpcraturc, pH, aeration. and agitation of the calturt batcb. Afterwards a mathematical modtl ...
    • Thermal Properties Of Banana Polyphenol Oxidase (Pro) 

      Nur, M. Anwar (2010)
      Polifenol oksidase pisang @PO) diekstrak dengan menggunakan larutan deteajen dan 1,s kali pemurnien diperoleh dari diasilasi. Aktivitas jenis Bari diazylate adalah 10,6. Suhu optimum pcngamatan untuk reaksi PPO dopamine ...