Jurnal Teknologi Perikanan dan Kelautan
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Pengaruh aklimatisasi kadar garam terhadap nilai kematian dan tingkah laku ikan guppy (Poecilia Reticulata) sebagai pengganti umpan ikan cakalang (Katsuwonus Pelamis)
(2013)Avvlimatization is physiological adaptation way or way from a spesies to adjust it self with new environment. The purpose of this research is to observe the process of salt level acclimatization in Guppy fish (Poecilia ... -
Sambungan Struktir dan Pembelian Struktur Beton Bertulang pada Kapal Purse Seine
(2007)Penggunaan kayu sebagai bahan pembuat kapal sudah umum di Indonesia. Namun demikian sumbemaya kayu yang semakin menipis ditambah dengan semakin mahalnya harga kayu menyebabkan harga kapal kayu pun menjadi mahal. Bahan ... -
Chlorophyll-A Variability Along Southern Coast Of Sumatera And West Java During Positive Phase Of Indian Ocean Dipole Mode (IODM)
(2012-04)Indian Ocean Dipole Mode (IOD/IODM) adalah gejala penyimpanan iklim akibat interaksi laut dan atmosfer. IODM berupa struktur dua kutub massa air dengan suhu permukaan laut yang menyimpang dari normalnya. Fenomena IODM ... -
The Hull Form, Its Influence Towards Hull Resistance
(2008-03)The hull form of a ship influences load capacity, stability, maneuverability and resistance that caused by hull form (hull resistance). Among those four factors, the hull form that makes hull resistance is a dominant factor ... -
Study On The Hull Forms Of Fishing Vessels From Several Areas In Indonesia
(2006-12)The Indonesian fishing vessels have some variation in their hull forms. In general, the variation comes from the boat builder style in building a vessel. This usually happen in the tradisional shipyard, where there is no ... -
Heavy Metals Accumulation on Green Mussel (Perna viridis) in Jakarta Bay)
(2011-06)Jakarta is Indonesia's economy and government center and the most populated city. Besides that, Jakarta is also a home for many industries. All of these activities produce large number of waste and waste water that are ... -
Pemberian Pakan Buatan Bagi Benih Ikan Betutu, Oxyeleotris marmorato (BLKR.) Feeding with Artificial Feed on Sand Goby, Oxyeleotris marmorata (Blkr.), Fry
(2002)The influence of feed shape and prolein resource of artificial feed on the growih and survival rate of sand goby. Oxyeleotris marmorata (Blkr.), fry were evaluated in this cxperiment. This cxperimenl purposed to determine ... -
Fishing vessel safety from national and international regulations point of view
(2010)Fishing is a high risk occupation compared to other occupations. Charachteristics of the occupational in fishing vessel are dangerous, dirty and difficult, known as “3d”. Generally, fishing vessels size is relatively small ...