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dc.contributor.authorSukoco, Heru
dc.contributor.authorWahjuni, Sri
dc.contributor.authorSetiadi, Andi
dc.description.abstract"A housing security system based on computer technology have been develop. This system was develop considering a need for effectively security system to prevent crime action in housing. Beside that, a housing security system can also develop by adding announcement function to the house owner using SMS service. Announcement function can also give to the neighborhood because they are the nearest outsider to take an action when crime activity happened. Announcement function to the neighbourhood can be develop using PSTN service. The purpose of this research is to develop an existing housing security system named SIJELITA (SIstem Jaminan kEamanan meLaluI Teknologi nirkAbel) by adding SMS and PSTN dial up features. Function of that features consecutively is to sending information to house owner through SMS service and neighborhood through PSTN’s public telephone service. Evaluation of system execute based on time of response needed to send SMS and do a dial up process to PSTN public telephone line with 425 Hz frequency of dial tone. SMS response time counted since detector which placed in door and window send a signal until SMS receive in the destination cell phone. Dial up response time counted since detector which placed in door and window send a signal until the destination phone ring. Response time and system testing was done 30 times in busy time in 10 days consecutively. From testing was done, the lowest average response time for SMS and dial up consecutively was 9,33 second and 11,7 second. The highest response time for SMS and dial up was 10,285 second and 13,069 second. During testing, system can send SMS to the destination cell phone and do dial up process to the destination phone number. This thing shows that this system is quite rely on with 100% success in acceptance of data so it can be concluded this prototype can be recommended as an escort in implementing a housing security system."en
dc.publisherBogor Agricultural University (IPB)
dc.relation.ispartofseriesVol 6;No 2
dc.titlePengembangan sijelita sebagai sistem keamanan perumahan berbasis sms dan pstn Vol 6, No 2, 2008en

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