dc.description.abstract | The objective of this research was to study speczfic soil characteristics of Andisols as series differentiae. Five pedons of Cikajang and Cikole regions were studied. Both regions belong to the wet climate, udic soil moisture regime and isothermic temperature regime. As much as 32 soils samples were taken for analysis of physical, chemical and mineralogical properties follows the standard procedures of The Central Research and Development of Soil and Agroclimate laboratory. The speczfic soil properties can be used for soil series dzflerentiae of each soil family. In soil family level, pedon Dn-1, Dn-2, and Dn-4 are classtfied as Typic Hapludand, medial-mixed, isothermic, and pedon Dn-3 and Dn-5 are classrjied as Thaptic Hapludand, medial-mixed, isothermic. Each soil family consists of two soil series. The properties of buried soil, color, texture, and soil reaction are used for soil series dzflerentiae. | en |