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dc.contributor.authorSunarti, Euis
dc.contributor.authorSyarief, Hidayat
dc.contributor.authorMegawangi, Ratna
dc.contributor.authorSaefuddin, Asep
dc.description.abstractThe ohjectives of this study were to analize the influence,familv strengh on prepmlcy qlrality. The data were atlalyzed from the strrdy of "kxfect c~multitrrrtrietifto rtrjled food sril~~~lemoett~prt e gtlatlcy or~tcome.~w",h ich had beet1 done previomly hy the I)e/,crrtniet~t of Chmmzrnity Ntrtritiot~a ttd lamily Resources of IPB. Some additiot~ailn formation oti family .strerlgt/l was also collected retro.specti\*eb. Of the 615 pregriotlt mothers in Le~nviliat~dgis trict (19 villages) ntld ('ihi~ttgb~rlatd~isgt rict (15 vi1lage.s). 233 mothers met the .wmple criterias It'ere .selected I'regt~arlcj clr~alitq' 14'a.s niea.srrred by IJregt:llcltlcjt \r*eig/it pain. Iqunli!s s~retlg~h data (a- 0.7) of irlformatiota on physical resorrrces. tlotl-phy.sica1 resources. family ~~ohlenci.o~l.~ l ~n~1tec~l7gcr t1i.sn1p,h ysical well-heitlg, .social \t,ell-heitip, atid p.y~choIogicn1~ r~ellheitrg. App!)littg a m111til)leli tlear regression mcdel, hcdv weight at the hegitlnitig ofpreplatlcyl trttd~/btir!s~tr~e trgrh hers t r .s~gtl~fj~ct$ltfelcf t 011 pregt~clt~c\jt'' ~rg/7g/ ciiii. 7'lI~I /c'I??.\ of .filt?1i!13 .dret~gtha re health factor, family goal, free from atlger, atd .social .~71pport7. he above re.wlt.s rnlpltt~d~ hcrti,t ~cr.rcr.sitf~irgm.* str-etlgth slio~rldh e the inil~or/at~t.factoit1r y regttutlcy clrrulrtj:en
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
dc.titleThe Influence of Family Strength on the Quality of Pregnancyen
dc.title.alternativeMedia Gizi & Keluarga Vol.27 No.1 Tahun 2003en

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