Browsing Jurnal Ilmu Keluarga dan Konsumen by Author "Hartoyo"
Now showing items 1-5 of 5
Adolescent quality in banyumas district
Suksmadi, Ignatius | Sumarwan, Ujang | Khomsan, Ali | Hartoyo (2009)This research was aimed at analyzing indicator of early adolescent quality and factors affecting the early adolescent quality (EAQ). The study tried to create EAQ index and to analyze its effect to academic achievement. ... -
Analysis of welfare level of fish farmer family and non-fish farmer family in Bogor District
Hartoyo | Aniri, Noorma Bunga (2010)Fish farmer families has non-permanent income to fulfill their daily needs. It caused dependence of fish cultivation productivity to capital and quality of environment. This study aimed to analyze welfare level and strategy ... -
Hubungan Pola Asuh, Status Gizi dan Status Kesehatan Anak Balita Korban Gempa dan Tsunami di Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam
Fitriana | Hartoyo | Nasoetion, Amini (2007-12)Earthquake and tsunami tragedy that was happened on December 26th, 2004 at nanggroe Aceh Darussalam (NAD) effects social economic and social welfare of people whose being the victim.This study analyzed parenting. nutritional ... -
Kajian Relasi Gender, Kualitas Sumberdaya Manusia, dan Tingkat Kesejahteraan Keluarga di Wilayah Pesisir Jawa Barat
Muflikhati, Istiqlaliyah | Hartoyo | Sumarwan, Ujang | Fachrudin, Achmad | Puspitawati, Herien (2010-06)Coastal area has unique and diversity of natural resources. However, som of coastal communities in Indonesia live below poverty line. West Java Province has two coastal areas which have different characteristics. They are ... -
Socio-economic factors and family welfare: the case of coastal area in West Java
Muflikhati, Istiqlaliyah | Hartoyo | Sumarwan, Ujang | Muflikhati, Istiqlaliyah | Hartoyo | Sumarwan, Ujang | Fahrudin, Achmad | Puspitawati, Herien (2010)Family welfare is influenced by socio-economic factors like sociodemographic of family, family income, and position in society. This research compared characteristics and family welfare between fishermen families and ...