Jurnal Ilmu Keluarga dan Konsumen
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Analisis Trianggulasi Antar-Reporter Terhadap Persepsi Pendidikan Dasar dan Penanggung Jawab Pendidikan
(2010-05)Abstract: The purpose ofthis crosssectional research was to describe similiarity and difference betwen parents, principals, and school comitee towards perseption of basic education and educational fund provider. The collected ... -
(2011-11)Abstract: The purpose of this cross-sectional research design was to describe teaching outlines the class with gender perspectives in the elementary school. The location of the research was in the Bogor City with three ... -
(2011-11)The research objectives were to analyzed the family food security and its factors of the participants in the community empowerment program at rural area. The research design was crossectional study and the data collection ... -
Analisis Gender Terhadap Strategi Koping dan Kesejahteraan Keluarga
(2010-05)In order to increase the gender roles in many aspects of family livelihood, aJld to increase the ~. economic and cultural well-being of the family and c0l11111zmity level, this st1ldy aims to: (1) Analy:, characteristics ... -
Dukungan Sosial dan Ketahanan Keluarga Peserta dan Bukan Peserta Program Nasional Pemberdayaan Masyarakat (PNPM) Mandiri
(2012-01)Penelitian ini secara umum bertujuan untuk menilai adanya dukungan sosial untuk ketahanan keluarga di Desa Sadeng Kolot, Kecamatan Leuwisadeng, Bogor. Penelitian ini melibatkan 70 keluarga, terdiri atas 35 keluarga peserta ... -
(2011-01)Tujuan dari penelitian adalah untuk menganalisis dukungan sosial, fungsi pengasuhan, interaksi dalam keluarga, kualitas perkawinan, dan kondisi anak pada keluarga Tenaga Kerja Wanita (TKW). Penelitian ini menggunakan ... -
Analisis Gender Terhadap Persepsi Sifat Kepribadian Individu Pada Mahasiswa IPB
(2010-11)ABSTRACT One of the purposes of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) is to pursue the gender equality and women empowerment to eradicate the gender gap. Gender gap at family and community level has been formed by cultural ... -
Karakteristik Demografi, Sosial, dan Ekonomi Keluarga Penerima Program Keluarga Harapan (PKH)
(2010-08)Cash Conditional Transfer (PKH) is one of the government's efforts to reduce poverty and to improve the quality of human resources in poor communities through the provision of conditional subsidies. The purpose of this ... -
Kajian Relasi Gender, Kualitas Sumberdaya Manusia, dan Tingkat Kesejahteraan Keluarga di Wilayah Pesisir Jawa Barat
(2010-06)Coastal area has unique and diversity of natural resources. However, som of coastal communities in Indonesia live below poverty line. West Java Province has two coastal areas which have different characteristics. They are ... -
Karakter Konsumen Anak
(2007-02)Anak sering kali memiliki selera sendiri dalam memilih dan mengkonsumsi berbagai jenis pangan, sehingga mereka akan mempengaruhi kedua orang tuanya untuk membeli makanan yang sesuai dengan pilihan anak -
Hubungan Pola Asuh, Status Gizi dan Status Kesehatan Anak Balita Korban Gempa dan Tsunami di Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam
(2007-12)Earthquake and tsunami tragedy that was happened on December 26th, 2004 at nanggroe Aceh Darussalam (NAD) effects social economic and social welfare of people whose being the victim.This study analyzed parenting. nutritional ... -
An Analysis of Factors Influencing IPB Students Attitudes and Buying Behaviour of Piracy Book
(2010)The aim of this research was to analyze factors which influence IPB students attitudes and buying behaviour of piracy book. Research method used cross sectional study design. The primary data from samples was collected ... -
Trait, personality, life goal of college students, and its relationship with perception about interaction of opposite gender
(2010)Globalization that develops in line with development of science and technology such as film, soap opera, and music do not only give positive influence but also have brought negative influence for Indonesian people who still ... -
Socio-economic factors and family welfare: the case of coastal area in West Java
(2010)Family welfare is influenced by socio-economic factors like sociodemographic of family, family income, and position in society. This research compared characteristics and family welfare between fishermen families and ... -
The effect of family socio-economic characteristics towards parenting pattern of studying habits among elementary and secondary high school students
(2010)The main purpose of this research was to know the effect of family socio-economic characteristics towards parenting pattern of studying habits among elementary and secondary high schools. The respondents were parents from ... -
Analysis of welfare level of fish farmer family and non-fish farmer family in Bogor District
(2010)Fish farmer families has non-permanent income to fulfill their daily needs. It caused dependence of fish cultivation productivity to capital and quality of environment. This study aimed to analyze welfare level and strategy ... -
An analysis of consumer’s perceive of brand equity of ice cream products
(2010)The brand equity is created not only by some dimensions of brand equity such as brand awareness, brand association, perceived quality, and brand loyalty but also created by marketing activities called antecedents of brand ... -
Influence of breastfeeding and psychosocial stimulation to child’s social-emotion development on family whose working mother and unworking mother
(2010)The aims of this research were to know characteristics of family and child who come from family whose working mother and unworking mother; to analyze the differences of breastfeeding and psychosocial stimulation between ...