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dc.contributor.authorSembiring, Langkah
dc.contributor.authorGoodfellow, Michael
dc.description.abstractSystematic play an important role in the utilization of streptomycete strains as an outstanding producer of thousands documented bloactive compounds. The chaotic state of streptomycete systematics resulted from the appli cation of traditional monothetic approach had clearly hampered the progress of development of reliable Identifica tion system for potential streptomycete strains. However, the extcnSivC application of polythitic numerical method by increasing number of experts was proved to be successful in developing a more sounding streptomycete elasslflcstl*n system. As a consequence, such classification System can subsequently be used as a rigorous basis to generate a more reliable identification system in attempt to unravel the extent of streptomycete diversity In natural habitats both it the Inter and intraspecies level. This review addresses the problem and the role of numerical systematic. in the development of current status of streptomycete systematics which is applicable to delimit species within the genus.en
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
dc.titleApplication of Numerical Systematics in Unraveling Streptomycete Diversityen
dc.title.alternativeJurnal Mikrobiologi Indonesia Vol.6 No.1 Tahun 2001en

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