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dc.contributor.authorFauzi, Anas Miftah
dc.contributor.authorUtomo, Amin Priyo
dc.contributor.authorElfrida, Nitariani
dc.contributor.authorNilasari, Maya
dc.description.abstractBiodegradation of epichlorohydrin ECH by strain G3 temporarily identified as Pseudomonas ,zeruginosa was investigated both in suspended cultures and bloflim reactors. Experiment was performed to study biodegradation profile of thetarget pollutant in the presence of other organic pollutants, i.e. mixture of benzene, toluene, sylene, and heavy metal, i.e. PbNOJ,. The results indicated that the chemicals reduced the specific growth rates of G3 isolate in the suspended cultures with ECH added as the sole carbon source. These chemicals also slightly reduced dechlorination rate of ECH in the emuent of bioflim reactor. This study also showed that the magnitude of 2 mg/I ECH degradation decreased with the lower retention time. 67.6% of degradation was occured during 1.33 mm retention time.en
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
dc.titleBiodegradation of Epichiorohydrin Compound by Bacterial Isolate G3en
dc.title.alternativeJurnal Mikrobiologi Indonesia Vol.5 No.1 Tahun 2000en

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