Jurnal Penyuluhan: Recent submissions
Now showing items 61-80 of 85
Petani Tuna Kisma
(2006)Tahun 1983 rumah tangga buruh pertanian di Indonesia sebanyak 5 juta kepala keluarga dari jumlah petani 19,5 juta kepala keluarga. Tahun 1993, rumah tangga buruh pertanian di Indonesia berjumlah 9 juta kepala keluarga dari ... -
Factors Related To Contact Farmer Participation In Agricultural Extension Program Planning (Case Of Rural Extension )
(2006)The main objective of this research was to determine the extent of contact-farmer participation in agricultural extension program planning i.e., in collecting data, in compiling the data collected, in attending meeting, ... -
Empowerment Of The Structural Goverment Officials (SGO) On Their Competence : Case Studi Of The SGO In The Province dan Jakarta And Yogyakarta
(2006)The civil service management had to change its paradigm in appointing the structural goverment officials (SGO)’s so far the work achievement of goverment structural officials was still low. In conjunction with this, the ... -
Agricultural extension agents' performance in several district in West Java
(2006)A research on the relationship of several selected characteristics of Agricultural Extension Agents and their performance had been conducted in July through September 2005. The Objectives of this study were: 1) to determine ... -
The use of illustrated sheep rearing handbook on poor farmers' capacity building in two near forest villages in Ujung Jaya Sub-District, District Of Sumedang, West Java
(2006)Building the capacity of the poor farmers that were living in two near-forest villages in Ujung Jaya sub-district, District of Sumedang, West Java was one of the activities accomplished to help such farmers raise indigenous ... -
Faktor-Faktor Penentu Tingkat Kemampuan Petani Dalam Mengelola Lahan Marjinal (Kasus Di Desa Karangmaja, Kecamatan Karanggayam, Kabupaten Kebumen, Jawa Tengah)
(2006)The objectives of the study are: (1) To explore the capability of the farmers to carry out land-use of marginal or dry land; (2) To analyse factors which relate to farmers’ capability in managing marginal land. The study ... -
Penyuluhan Pendampingan Partisipatif
(2006)Penyuluhan pertanian adalah proses pemberdayaan petani, bukan lagi sebagai proses transfer teknologi kepada petani seperti pada masa Revolusi Hijau yang lalu. Pemberdayaan atau empowerment berasal dari kata empower yang ... -
Memperkecil Kesenjangan Gender Melalui Kebijakan Pengarusutamaan Gender (PUG)
(2006)Buku “Negara dan Perempuan –Reorientasi Kebijakan Publik” merupakan hasil refleksi perhatian Penulis -yang ditakdirkan berjenis kelamin laki-laki dalam waktu yang panjang, yakni 13 tahun, melalui kedekatannya dengan ... -
Improvement Of Supm Students Knowlegde Through Dissemination Of Dray Transport Of Live Shrimp Using Sound Slide Show
(2006)This research aims to know influence of dissemination of picture form, influence of music type attendant of frame film narasi voice, and influence of interaction music type attendant of narasi and dissemination of form ... -
Empowerment Of Personnels Of Goverment Structural Officials (PSOG) To Improve Their Productivity : A Case Of Civil Service Management In DKI Jakarta And DI Yogyakarta Provinces
(2006)The civil service management was changed of paradigm to some extent, that is appointment of the personnel of government structural officials (PSOG) is carried out based on profesionalisme principle. Although in implementation, ... -
Kepapaan Dan Perekat Sosial
(2006)Dalam majalah FORBES ASIA yang terbit tanggal 28 Nopember 2005 terdapat satu halaman artikel menarik yang patut dicermati dan ditulis oleh Ferguson, salah seorang wartawan majalah itu. Ferguson mengangkat beberapa hal ... -
Farmer's Dynamic In Salak Agribusiness (Case Of Karangasem District, Bali Province)
(2006)Bali salak is germ plasm of Balinese salak which has good potency for economic development, but not been handled to the seriously agribusiness system. The objectives of this research: (1) to describe internal factors of ... -
Relationship Of Making Motivation The Behavior Of The Fishermen
(2006)Community of fishermen is one of social segments who considered as having daily life worse than other social segments, such as farmers, factory labourers, etc. Certain efforts can be done to improve the level of life of ... -
The zoning of livestock area strategy in District of Blitar
(2006)The research result shows that the zoning of KINAK is based on the critical and even less productive field for planting. Furthermore, several factors have significant effect on KINAK arrangement social norm system of the ... -
Farmer's Perception About Regional Goverment Policies On Vegetable Agribusiness Development (Case Of Vegetable Farmers whoParticipate in Agropolitan Area Program, Sindang Jaya Village, Cipanas SubDistrict, District Of Cianjur)
(2006)The regional government policies on vegetables agribusiness development is carried out through agropolitan area development program. The aims of this study are : (1) To get informations on perception of vegetables farmer’s ... -
Perception Of Street Children Toward Social Guidance In Open House Program At Bandung City
(2005)The street children has become an important phenomenon in urban areas. Most of the children spent their time on the street or in other public areas. Government throught Social Welfare Departement developed an transit house ... -
Hubungan Karakteristik Petani Dengan Kompetensi Agribisnis Pada Usahatani Sayuran Di Kabupaten Kediri Jawa Timur
(2005)Pembangunan agribisnis berawal dari kualitas petani sebagai pelaku utama. Kualitas petani berhubungan dengan karakteristik yaitu: pendidikan formal, luas lahan, pengalaman, motivasi dan modal berusahatani. Petani yang ... -
The Competencies Of Agricultural Extension Agents Working In Seven Sub-Districts In The District Of Bekasi, West Java
(2005)Agricultural Extension agents must acquire certain competencies so as to perform well in doing their jobs. Competencies were the combination of knowledge, skills and abilities. Competencies both had intellectual as well ... -
Pemahaman Diri, Potensi/Kesiapan Diri, Dan Pengenalan Inovasi
(2005)Konsep yang akan disajikan pada bahasan ini adalah sekitar pemahaman diri, potensi/kesiapan diri, dan pengenalan suatu inovasi pada individu petani. Konsep ini ditulis berdasarkan kajian ilmiah dan hasil abstraksi pemikiran ... -
Membangun Kelembagaan Pertanian Yang Tangguh Berdasarkan Nilai-Nilai Tradisional
(2005)Masalah kelestarian/keberlanjutan subak dan pertanian Bali dalam konteks perubahan situasi global yang sangat struktural, merupakan main issue dalam kumpulan tulisan ini. Berbagai tulisan yang terhimpun, langsung ataupun ...