Jurnal Penyuluhan: Recent submissions
Now showing items 21-40 of 85
Relationship Between Santri Characteristics With Their PerceptionOf Self Independency
(2007)The study analyzed the student’s perceptions self autonomi in islamic boarding school. The research aims were (1) to describe santri distribution at spesific observed characteristic, (2) to decsribe santri perception ... -
Kebudayaan, Pendidikan, Dan Pemberdayaan Sumberdaya Manusia Ondonesia
(2007)Pengembangan sumberdaya manusia terkait dengan banyak aspek kehidupan manusia dan bangsa serta kebudayaannya. Indonesia yang multietnik dan multibudaya dengan lebih kurang 216,42 juta penduduk dengan angkatan kerja sebesar ... -
Analysis of institution system on planning and strategy of critical land on Bila Watershed management
(2007)The rehabilitation program of critical land had been done since 1985 until 2001, but Bila watershed condition did not get better, even the width of critical land and erotion got more increase. Those were caused by some ... -
Motivation, Job Satisfication And Productivity Of Agriculture Extension Worker: Case Study Of Sukabumi District
(2007)The objective of the study was to find out the motivation, job satisfaction and job productivity of Agriculture Extension Workers (AEW). Respondent of the study was 36 AEW at Sukabumi district, West Java. The results of ... -
The Strategic Of Social Inovation To Development Fisherman Resources
(2007)From generation to generation fisherman has been making a live for himself and family mainly by extracting coastal and marine resources. There are a number of program development designed to promote fisherman quality of ... -
Relationship Between Personal Characteristics and Enterpreneurship Competencies of Seaweed Farmers in South Sulawesi
(2007)Seaweed farmers are those farmers who have seaweeds farming in rural coastal area, as their moyor income. The objective of this study was to determine the degree of relationship between individual characteristics of seaweed ... -
Makna Penyuluhan Dan Transformasi Perilaku Manusia
(2007)Istilah penyuluhan seringkali diasosiasikan dengan penerangan atau propaganda oleh khalayak, padahal makna penyuluhan tidaklah sedangkal itu. Penyuluhan dapat dipandang sebagai sebuah ilmu dan tindakan praktis. Sebagai ... -
Personal Quality Management: Mengefektifkan Pengelolaan Diri dengan Mengaktifkan Empat Pilar Kualitas Pribadi
(2007)Buku ini terasa pas dengan kiat pengembangan diri yang menjadi bagian dalam upaya transformasi perilaku manusia. Diuraikan dalam buku bahwa perrjalanan dan upaya setiap individu untuk mewujudkan kualitas pribadi yang utuh ... -
Learning Society, Penyuluhan Dan Pembangunan Bangsa
(2007)Keprihatinan bangsa yang tengah dilanda krisis dalam berbagai aspek kehidupan membuat peran pendidikan, khususnya di sekolah-sekolah dipertanyakan. Begitu pula peran kegiatan penyuluhan dalam proses pembangunan bangsa masih ... -
Factors Influence The Need Of Agricultural Information For Vegetables' Farmers In West Java Province
(2007)The agribusiness development of horticulture products is one of national economical growth sources of agricultural sector. Free market made part of domestically which cause more rigid competitiveness. In addition, the ... -
Empowerment Of Vegetable's Farmers : Case Study Of Vegetable's Farmers In South Sulawesi
(2007)This study was focused on analyzing farmers’ empowerment and studying factors affecting group dynamic in relation with their business improvement. The objectives of this study were: (1) to identify factors that influence ... -
Empowerment of the Community Around the Area of Jompi Preserved Forest Muna Regency, Southeast Sulawesi
(2007)Forest as an asset of national development is really beneficial for life and livelihood. It brings benefits ecologically, culturally, and economically on condition when the forest is properly exploited. In term of ensure ... -
Agil functions and the power of family in Urban City And Rural Areas: Case of family in Duren Sawit and Jasinga Districts
(2007)Family has importanifimclions.for human development, and all functions must work properly. The effectiveness of functions determine family’s empowerment quality. In fact, some families failed to implement some of the ... -
The Relationship Of Selected Near Forest Farmers' Characteristics And Their Participations In Forest Conservation At Parung Panjang, Bogor
(2006)Near forest village residents was one of the main forest share holders. So, they should be involved in various forest conservation efforts. Their involvements not only in activities to keep out people from illegal cutting ... -
The Mass Media Role In Disseminating Agricultural Information To Vegetable Farmers In Lampung
(2006)The objective of this study was to describe the role of mass media, especially television in disseminating agricultural information to vegetable farmers in sub-urban and rural areas. The sample of the study was 55 farmers, ... -
The Relationship Of Selected Vegetable Farmers' Characteristics And Their Knowledge About Vegetable Farm Management In Kendari, South-East Sulawesi
(2006)Should the vegetable farmers’ knowledge be improved when their productivities did not meet the community expectation? This question led to the to the following research objectives: (1) to determine the vegetable farmers’ ... -
Penyuluhan Perikanan
(2006)Penyuluhan seringkali diasosiasikan dengan penerangan atau propaganda, padahal penyuluhan ialah upaya mengubah perilaku individu, kelompok, atau komunitas agar tahu, mau, dan mampu memecahkan masalah yang dihadapi supaya ... -
Perspektif Alternatif Pembangunan Kawasan Timur Indonesia
(2006)Pembangunan ialah serangkaian usaha untuk mewujudkan pertumbuhan dan perubahan secara berencana dan sadar, yang dilakukan oleh suatu negara bangsa menuju modernitas untuk pembinaan bangsa (Siagian, 2003:4). Tidak perlu ... -
Factors Related To The Leather Craftsmen's Self-Sufficiency In The District Of Sidoardjo And Magetan, East Java
(2006)This research was intended to identify factors related to the leather craftsmen’s self sufficiency in the districts of Sidoarjo and Magetan, in East Java. A descriptive survey research was accomplished amongst 260 craftsmen ... -
The Extension Workers' Competency In Developing Small Agribusiness Capital In The District Of Bogpr, West Java
(2006)Extension agents had to develop their competencies in promoting small agribusiness capital. They needed this new skill so they could assist small farmers to develop their agribusinesses. Every enterprise – what ever its ...