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Uji Keserasian Antara Mikoriza Vesikular Arbuskular Dan Beberapa Genotipe Kedelai Pada Dua Tingkat Kekeringan1
(2004)The objective to the experiment was to identify the compatibility of VAM species and soybean to drought. Nine VAM species and were three soybean genotypes tested for their compatibility to two levels of drought. The levels ... -
Determinant Factors To Increase Agri-Extensionworker Performance To Empower Farmer (A Case Study In District Of Kampar, Riau Province)
(2008)The agriculture extension program can be developed effectively and efficiently by professional personal in agriculture extension field. The existing main problem is low quality and quantity of agri-extension workers (include ... -
The Leadership Challenge : Hoe To Get Extraordinary Things Done In Organizations
(2008)The Leadership Challenge berusaha memberi arah bagaimana para pemimpin dan “calon pemimpin” dalam mengasah kemampuan mereka untuk memimpin agar dapat melakukan hal-hal yang luar biasa. Buku ini membantu mengembangkan ... -
Area of Land Ownership and Farmers’ Basic Needs (Case Study of Poor Farmers at Hilly Area in Kepahiang Dstrict, Province of Bengkulu)
(2008)The mayority of the poor farmers have relativity enough land, approximately 1 Ha per household. Their poverty is considered as relatively poor. There were four factors which make the poor farmers hardly overcome their ... -
Self Reliance Of The Patin Fish Farmer In Peatlands In Tangkit Baru Village, Subdistrict Of Kumpe Ulu, District Of Muaro Jambi, Province Of Jambi
(2008)Self reliance of the patin fish farmers in Tangkit Baru Village is very important to promote better quality of life. Self reliance of the fish farmers reflected ability of them in coping the problems and finding out of ... -
Pelibatan Masyarakat Lokal : Upaya Memberdayakan Masyarakata Menuju Hutan Lestari
(2008)Undang-undang No. 41 Tahun 1999 menyatakan bahwa hutan merupakan anugerah Tuhan yang wajib disyukuri, dilestarikan dan dikelola sehingga dapat memberikan manfaat kepada manusia. Dengan melihat arti pentingnya kawasan hutan ... -
Refleksi Terhadap Program Bina Desa Hutan : Intensifikasi Pertanian Sawah di Desa Tanjung Paku, Kecamatan Seruyan Hulu, Kabupaten Seruyan, Provinsi Kalimantan Tengah
(2008)Salah satu masalah klasik yang harus diatasi oleh Departemen Kehutanan dan perusahaan pemegang konsesi pengusahaan hutan menyangkut keberadaan masyarakat desa hutan adalah upaya untuk mengendalikan aktivitas perladangan ... -
The Relationship Of Self Reliance And Capability Of Technical Work Of The Village Youth
(2008)This research objectives are: (1) to describe characteristics of work autonomy of the farmer youth, (2) to describe technical ability of work, and (3) to analyze relation of work autonomy and technical ability of work. The ... -
Entrepreneuship Competence Of Dairy Farmers : Case Study Of Dairy Farmers At Bandung Regency- West Java
(2008)The objectives of the study are as follows: (1) to analyze the entrepre-neurship competence level of dairy farmers, (2) to find out factors that influence the entrepreneurship competence, and (3) to formulize a model of ... -
Analysis Of Maize Land Holding At The Dry Land At Limboto Sub District Of Gorontalo District
(2008)The objectives of this action research are 1) to describe the structure of expenses of the maize farming at dry farming system, 2) to describe the production and farmers earnings at maize dry farming system. Research Method ... -
Farmer's Capacity And The Success Of Agribusiness : Case Of Vegetable Farmers In Malang And Pasuruan District In East Java Province
(2008)Farmer’s capacity is the most important factor in agricultural development based on human resources; high level of farmer’s capacity ensures his success and sustainable of agribusiness. The objectives of the research are: ... -
Influencing Factors Of The Sea Weeds Farmer Comptence In District Konawe The Province Of South-East Sulawesi
(2008)The seaweed farmers who are competent indicated by their positive behavior on technical and management of sea weed farming. The objectives of the study are: (1) To find the sea weed farmers characteristics in relation to ... -
Pemberdayaan Petani : Paradigma Baru Penyuluhan Pertanian Di Indonesia
(2008)Peranan sektor pertanian dalam perekonomian nasional sangat penting dan strategis. Hal ini terutama karena sektor pertanian masih memberikan lapangan pekerjaan bagi sebagian besar penduduk yang ada di pedesaan dan menyediakan ... -
The Potency Of Communitty And Local Institution To Empower The Poor Families At Rural Area Case Study At BOne
(2008)The aim of the research was intended to formulate the model of poor familiy Empowerement by determining both the level and the influencing factors of social responsibility and level of empowerment. Survey and interview ... -
Regenerating Agriculture Policies And Practice For Sustainability And Self-Reliance
(2008)Buku ini dengan jelas memberikan gambaran kepada para pembaca tentang paradigma pembangunan pertanian yang berlanjutan (sustainability). Pada awal tulisan, penulis mendiskripsikan tentang konsep pertanian yang berkelanjutan ... -
Learning To Listen, Learning To Teach : The Power Of Dialogue In Educating Adults
(2007)Buku Learning To Listen, Learning To Teach: The power Of Dialogue in Educating Adults, layaklah sebagai buku wajib bagi mereka yang berkecimpung di bidang pengembangan masyarakat, pekerja sosial, penyuluh pembangunan ... -
Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Untuk Usaha Kecil Dan Mikro (Pengalaman Empiris Di Wilayah Surakarta Jawa Tengah)
(2007)Sejarah telah menunjukkan bahwa Usaha Kecil dan Mikro (UKM) di Indonesia tetap eksis dan berkembang dengan adanya krisis ekonomi yang telah melanda negeri ini sejak tahun 1997, bahkan menjadi katup penyelamat bagi pemulihan ... -
The agriculture innovation adoption process by the upland areak tribal group in Manokwari Regent, West Papua
(2007)Although the agriculture activities has been introduced for relatively a long time, the subsistent agriculture of the Arfak Tribal Group has still dominated in their agriculture system. In their agriculture activities, the ... -
The Influence Of The Internal And External Factors Of The Agricultural Extension Agents To Their Competencies In East Nusa Tenggara Province
(2007)The objectives of this research were to portray the influence of internal and external factors to the competencies of the agricultural extension agents. The individual characrterization of the agricultural extension agents ... -
Factors correlated to readers' behavior to obtain information on healthy life style (Case study : senior tabloid readers in North Bogor Regency)
(2007)Healthy behavior is an important physical and psychological needs for human beings. Therefore, to attain good healthy behavior results, it is essential to study of the process to obtain information oh healthy life style ...