Jurnal Gizi dan Pangan: Recent submissions
Now showing items 61-73 of 73
Pola konsumsi pangan rumah tangga petani hutan kemasyarakatan di Kabupaten Lampung Barat
(2008)The aims of research were to 1) identify economic and social characteristic of HKm farmer household 2) analyze food consumption pattern of HKm farmer household 3) analyze requirement of food of HKm farmer household 4) ... -
Profil sosial ekonomi dan status gizi petani di Lombok Tengah Nusa Tenggara Barat
(2007)Socio-economic and nutritional status are nutrition problems in Indonesia. Solution to overcome this problem is therefore needed. Objectives of this study are 1) to asses socio¬ economic, 2) to asess nutritional status of ... -
Resisten insulin terkait obesitas : mekanisme endokrin dan intrinsik sel
(2007)The number of obese individuals worldwide has reached 2.1 billion and this will lead to explosion of obesity-related morbidity and mortality. Obese individuals will develop re¬sistance to celluler action of insulin. The ... -
Review faktor determinan keragaman konsumsi pangan
(2007)Index of food intake diversity or dietary diversity reflects the nutritional quality of the diet; and it is associated with nutritional health outcomes. Understanding factors determine index of dietary diversity is important ... -
Serat makanan dan peranannya bagi kesehatan
(2006)A study of fiber used epidemiological approach proved that in industrial countries occurence of a western diseases were closely related to low fiber diet. The ideal intake of dietary fiber should be considered to produce ... -
Studi ketahanan pangan pada rumah tangga miskin dan tidak miskin
(2006)Food security at household level refers to the ability to ensure an adequate intake of food for the whole family members. Food security includes physical (food availability), economical (purchasing power), nutritional ... -
Studi tentang praktek menyusui pada rumahtangga miskin dan tidak miskin
(2006)Breast-feeding is a natural way to feed babies. A good breastfeeding practice is important for a continued growth, health, and nutrients for babies and young children. Therefore, the period of exclusive breast-feeding is ... -
Studi tentang status gizi pada rumahtangga miskin dan tidak miskin
(2006)Nutritional status is a body hearth condition of a person or a group of people resulting from the consumption, absorption, and utilization of nutrients in food. This study aimed to asses nutritional status of children under ... -
Usia menarche, konsumsi pangan, dan status gizi anak perempuan sekolah dasar di Bogor
(2007)The general objective of this research was to analyze the correlation between nutritional status, food consumption, and first menstruation age (menarche) of female Elementary School children. The research was conducted ... -
Viabilitas bakteri probiotik in-vitro dan pengaruh pemberian air oksigen terhadap pertumbuhan bakteri probiotik secara in-vivo
(2007)The aim of this study were to identify the in-vitro tolerance of pro-biotic bacteria to acid and bile salt condition; and to prove a hypothesis that the supplementation of oxygenated water has a positive effect on the body ... -
Studi tentang pengetahuan gizi ibu dan kebiasaan makan pada rumah tangga di daerah dataran tinggi dan pantai
(2006)Eating habits refer to the behavior of a person or a group of people in satisfying the need for food, which involves attitude, beliefs, and choice of food. To understand eating habits, what ought to be considered are food ... -
Type and Amount of Mangrove Worm, Snail and Shell Consumed by People Live in Mimika’s Estuary Papua
(2006)This study is intended to analyse type and amount of MSS (Mangrove worm, Snail and Shell) consumed by the local people live in 12 estuary villages of Mimika. About 30 people for each village - consist of children (2-10 ... -
Mother’s Nutrition Knowledge and Food Habits of Households in Highland and Coastal Areas
(2006)Eating habits refer to the behavior of a person or a group of people in satisfying the need for food, which involves attitude, beliefs, and choice of food. To understand eating habits, what ought to be considered are food ...