Browsing Jurnal Gizi dan Pangan by Issue Date
Now showing items 1-20 of 73
Aspek psikososial, aktifitas fisik, dan konsumsi makanan lansia di masyarakat
(2006)This research attempts to analyze psychosocial aspect, physical activity, and food consumption of the elderly living in the community dwelling. Research locations were chosen purposively in three POSBINDU (The Services ... -
Type and Amount of Mangrove Worm, Snail and Shell Consumed by People Live in Mimika’s Estuary Papua
(2006)This study is intended to analyse type and amount of MSS (Mangrove worm, Snail and Shell) consumed by the local people live in 12 estuary villages of Mimika. About 30 people for each village - consist of children (2-10 ... -
Serat makanan dan peranannya bagi kesehatan
(2006)A study of fiber used epidemiological approach proved that in industrial countries occurence of a western diseases were closely related to low fiber diet. The ideal intake of dietary fiber should be considered to produce ... -
Studi tentang status gizi pada rumahtangga miskin dan tidak miskin
(2006)Nutritional status is a body hearth condition of a person or a group of people resulting from the consumption, absorption, and utilization of nutrients in food. This study aimed to asses nutritional status of children under ... -
Pemanfaatan tepung bekatul rendah lemak pada pembuatan keripik simulasi
(2006)The objectives of this study are to determine the substitution level of defatted rice bran flour substituted to wheat flour, to know the impact of defatted rice bran flour substitution to physical, chemical and organoleptic ... -
Mother’s Nutrition Knowledge and Food Habits of Households in Highland and Coastal Areas
(2006)Eating habits refer to the behavior of a person or a group of people in satisfying the need for food, which involves attitude, beliefs, and choice of food. To understand eating habits, what ought to be considered are food ... -
Model hubungan aspek psikososial dan aktifitas fisik dengan status gizi lansia
(2006)The aims of this research was to analyze the correlation of psychosocial and physical aspect with nutritional status of the elderly reside in community dwelling. The site of study was purposively selected at three "kelurahan" ... -
Mutu mikrobiologis minuman jajanan di sekolah dasar wilayah Bogor Tengah
(2006)The objectives of the study were to improve the microbiological quality of beverages that significantly affected by the type of selling unit and microbiological quality. The study was carried out from March to May 2004. ... -
Jenis dan jumlah konsumsi tambelo, siput dan kerang oleh penduduk di kawasan Muara Mimika, Papua
(2006)This study is intended to analyse type and amount of MSS (Mangrove worm, Snail and Shell) consumed by the local people live in 12 estuary villages of Mimika. About 30 people for each village - consist of children (2-10 ... -
Gambaran karakteristik garam beridium, penyimpanan, tempat membeli garam dan jumlah konsumsi pada keluarga miskin di Kecamatan Kalideres, Jakarta Barat
(2006)Iodine deficiency disorder is one of health problems that influences directly to the life expectancy and the quality of human being as well as delaying the goal of National Development. The survey of iodized salt consumption ... -
Estimasi kerugian ekonomi akibat status gizi buruk dan biaya penanggulangan pada balita di berbagai provinsi di Indonesia
(2006)The study was aimed to estimate GDP lost due to Protein Energy Malnutrition (PEM) among under five children at various provinces in Indonesia. It was a descriptive study used secondary data. Data analysis was conducted in ... -
Studi tentang praktek menyusui pada rumahtangga miskin dan tidak miskin
(2006)Breast-feeding is a natural way to feed babies. A good breastfeeding practice is important for a continued growth, health, and nutrients for babies and young children. Therefore, the period of exclusive breast-feeding is ... -
Makanan tabu di Banjar Jawa Barat
(2006)Food taboo in Indonesia is still a problem because there are many taboo foods. As consequences, pregnant mother, lactatirg mother and children do not eat the taboo foods so that it can reduce their food intake and finally ... -
Pengelolaan dan penerimaan produk kedelai pada rumah tangga di perkotaan dan pedesaan pulau Jawa Indonesia
(2006)The study was aimed to get data on kind of processing and acceptance level of local soybean products in rural and urban areas in Java Island. The study locations were South Jakarta (Province of DKI Jakarta); Serang and ... -
Perilaku memberi makan untuk meningkatkan tumbuh kembang anak
(2006)The widespread malnutrition in children especially among those under two years of age is closely linkage not only to poverty but also to inappropriate child caring practices particularly feeding behavior and infection. ... -
Studi tentang pengetahuan gizi ibu dan kebiasaan makan pada rumah tangga di daerah dataran tinggi dan pantai
(2006)Eating habits refer to the behavior of a person or a group of people in satisfying the need for food, which involves attitude, beliefs, and choice of food. To understand eating habits, what ought to be considered are food ... -
Studi ketahanan pangan pada rumah tangga miskin dan tidak miskin
(2006)Food security at household level refers to the ability to ensure an adequate intake of food for the whole family members. Food security includes physical (food availability), economical (purchasing power), nutritional ... -
Persepsi masyarakat tentang manfaat budaya dan kesehatan mengkonsumsi tambelo, siput dan kerang di Mimika, Papua
(2006)Some local foods have cultural and health benefits. Mollusca such as tambelo - a mangrove worm, snail and shell (TSS) contain essential amino acids and micronutrients required for optimum health. This study is aimed to ... -
Model penduga berat bayi lahir berdasarkan pengukuran lingkar pinggang ibu hamil
(2006)Nutritional status of pregnant women can be measured by anthropometry which is simple and non expensive. Waist circumference of pregnant women (WCP) may reflects uterus and fetus growth. The objective of this study is to ... -
Nutrition and healt status and cognitive performance of school children in Jakarta and Tangerang Receiving world food program - nutrition rehabilitation programme (WFP-NRP)
(2006)UN World Food Programme (WFP) melalui Nutrition Rehabilitation Programme (NRP) melakukan inisiasi pemberian makanan tambahan pada anak sekolah tahun 2004 dengan mendistribusikan biskuit yang difortikasi 9 vitamin dan 4 ...