Pemodelan Pertumbuhan dan Pemakaian Air Tanaman Palawija di Lahan Kering
Palawija is still used as secondary food in Indonesia. Some of palawija crops were source of the carbohydrate, and the others like a peanut and soybean are source of protein. The common palawija crops grown on upland area are soybean, peallut, green pea, and corn. The major constraills on development of upland area for agriculture purpose was water scarcity alld availability data of crops water requireme1lt. The objective of the research was to develop the crop growth alld water use modelillg, determilling the trallspiration coefficiellt alld crop water requirement of uplalld crops. By simulating the transpiration coefficiellt as a junctioll of Ullit Crop 11ldex (UCI), foulld that the transpiratioll coefficiellt of these upland crops w~ fit with the five-degree polynomial equation, with UCI as an indepelldent variable. Total water requiremellt of soybean, peanut, greell pea, alld corn were /9/,202, 146 and 214 mm in wet seaSOIl; and 283, 287, 210, alld 305 ill dry seaSOIl respectively.