Studi Tentang Poliami dan Suhu Dingin dalam Mempertahankan Beberapa Kriteria Kualitas Buah Pisang
Polyamiges have been reported to inhibit senescence and fmit ripening. Exogenous application of polyunines have prolonged sbettlife of some hits. Tbe objective d the present study was to determine the effect of poiyemines and cokl storage on some quality changes in barma. Soaking banana in pdyamine sdetioa bad some beneficial effects, however the effects were not cornsistent in aHirtrining some qrrlity var&bk analyzed. Spermidbe cwM inbibit weight loss. It was s~ggtstcd tbmt pressure Q m k m was used in pdyunirne application. Cold storage Inhibited w-t loss, fruit sdtening, Plld tbe increase of sugar content, while room temperature storage, on tk contrary, hastened the increase of those variables,