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dc.contributor.authorPurwoko, Bambang Sapto
dc.description.abstractShort chain fatty rids (SCFA), strigbt chain carboxyk acids witb carbon number between 6-12, bave been reported to have a role in. dormancy of several speck This study was conducted to detennk tbe cbnge ofshort cbain Ltfy acid content and ib relationship to apple seed dormancy. In the bioas~y, nonaaok and decande acids inhibited gemination of nondomant embryo at concentration range of (1-5)xl0-~M . The iahibition could be alleviated by GA4+7. Embryo dormancy started to develop at 105 days .fter full b h (DAFB) and fully developed at 120 DAFB. Hexanoic acid was tbe m+r SCFA h aU seed parts. However, kxaaok acid was considered to be a weak inhibitor. In gclrerrS the bcad of SCFA content during seed development was either increased or relativdy comstant. Wben thm was any imcre~se in SCFA content, the increase occured after the embryo acquired sabstanshl dqpe d'dormancy. It was concluded that SCFA change during seed development did not have a strong rok in dormancy induction.en
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
dc.titleKandungan Asam Lemak Rantai Pendek Selama Perkembangan biji dan Hubunganya dengan Dormasi pada Biji Apelen
dc.title.alternativeJurnal Hayati Vol.2 No.1 Th.1995en

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