Pengaruh Sterol Lembaga Gandum (Triticum sp.) terhadap profil lipida darah tikus

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Marliyati, Sri Anna
Syarief, Hidayat
Muchtadi, Deddy
Darusman, Latifah Kosim
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ABSTRACT. The role of fitosterol in preventing cholesterol absorption and reducing atherosclerosis risk has been reported. Thrs research was conducted to evaluate the efect of wheat germ sterol on the concentration of total cholesterol, LDL, HDL, triglycerides, and lesion formation in mice. In this research work Sprague Dmvley mice at the age of 2 months {productive age) were used A random block design was employed with the following treatment on each experimental unit: Po (basal diet, negative control), PI (basal diet with cholesterol added, positive control), P2 (basal diet with cholesterol and ground wheat germ added), P3 (basal diet with cholesterol and wheat germ oil added), P4 (basal diet with cholesterol and wheat geim sterol added), and Pj (basal diet with cholesterol and wheat germ sterolsupplemented margarine). Each mouse was designed to intake 0.0343 g of sterol daily, except those of negative control (Po) and positive control (PI). In order to increase cholesterol conce~ttration in blood serum of ntice. 20 mg/kg-body weight per day of propyltiourasil (PTU) u8as added into each diet. A set of tests war carried out to observe the concentrations oftotal cholesterol, LDL, HDL, and tryglycerides in blood serum of test animals, and mouse aorta micrographs. Results showed that wheat germ sterol corrldprevent the increase ofcholesterol in the blood of mice. Feeding with sterol (P4) or sterol-supplemented margarine (P5) prevented (he increase of total cholesterol a/er I monfh of experimentation, however, only P4 sustained the same condition afrer 2 months of experimentation. Feedi!;,: :' .::: :, ;:pot germ sterol (P4) was also the only treatment that prevented the increase of LLX ci.toiesrero1 after 2 month of experinlentation, and it was not d~yerents ignr~~antlw-vi th fiegative control (Po). Results of experimentation also showed that the concentration of HDL in serum blood of mice was not afected by wheat germ sterol. Unsurprising!~t,h ere was no lesion of atherosclerosis observed in all treatments used in this research. This result confirmed that ntorrse is resistant to atherosclerosis.