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The integration strategy of corporate culture with competition strategy on the oil palm agroindustry

dc.contributor.authorDagi, Willem
dc.description.abstractDynamic business environment progressively leads the companies of oil palm agroindustry (OPA) to improve their competitiveness by participation building to every constituent at OPA’s business strategy. The constituents’ participative behavior is formed when corporate culture (CC) values and strategy policies are executed consistently. Organizational strategies which integrate CC with competition strategies are needed to improve constituents’ participation for increasing the OPA’s competitiveness. These research’s background was from the behavioral problems of plasma (farmers) and nucleus constituents those found at preresearches that was constituents’ attitude to sale fresh fruit bunches, job discipline, job quality, training and development, innovation and invention, expenses management, leadership, learning and knowledge, decision making, and appreciations to constituent’s achievement. These problems were used to compile framework of these researches. The research objectives were to find organization strategy forms that integrated CC with competition strategy, and to formulate direction of organizational management policies based on human and tasks considerations. To support these objectivities, studies were conducted on CC factors that covered values, CC creators and CC objectives, and 4 competition strategy (CS) types there were cost leadership, differentiation, cost focus and differentiation focus. Fieldworks were done by interview, observation and primary data collection by questioner at Jambi, Tebingtinggi, Malingping, Makassar and Burau with sampling technique by purposive judgment sampling. Hypothesis test of the CC factors relationships with competition strategies used general linear model multivariate method, while direction of integration strategy policies were being formulated from the hypothesis test results and dendogram
dc.description.abstractLingkungan bisnis semakin dinamis sehingga menuntu t perusahaan agroindus- tri kelapa sawit (AKS) untuk meningkatkan daya sain gnya. Peningkatkan daya saing dapat dicapai melalui partisipasi setiap konstituen pada pelaksanaan strategi bisnis AKS. Perilaku partisipasi konstituen terbentuk apab ila nilai-nilai budaya perusahaan (BP) dan kebijakan strategi dilaksanakan secara kon sisten. Dalam rangka me- ningkatkan daya saing AKS, partisipasi konstituen p erlu dikembangkan melalui strategi organisasi yang mengintegrasikan BP dengan strategi bersaingid
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
dc.titleStrategi integrasi budaya perusahaan dengan strategi bersaing pada agroindustri kelapa sawitid
dc.titleThe integration strategy of corporate culture with competition strategy on the oil palm agroindustryen

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