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Studies on the effectivity of several enviromental friendly pest management components to bacterial pustule on soybean

dc.contributor.authorDirmawati, Suskandini Ratih
dc.description.abstractEcological approach of plant disease management is needed to enhance the sustainable agriculture in Indonesia. Bacterial pustule disease has been known as an important soybean disease because of its potential to reduce soybean yield in Indonesia. The causal agent of the disease is Xunthomonus uxonopodzs pv. glycmes. To control the pustule disease, series of experiments were done to determine the effect of combination of the culture system and using biocontrol agents or botanical bactericide on the disease severity and yield of soybean. The researches have been conducted at the Bacteriology Laboratory of Plant Pest and Disease Department, the Agriculture Faculty, the Chemistry Laboratory of Mathematics and Natural Science Faculty, the Bioprocess Engineering Laboratory of Biotechnology Research Centre and Cikarawang Experimental Station, Bogor Agricultural University. The works have been done from June 2000 until December 2002. The results of this work showed that (I) the liquid formulation of P. fluorescens GI 34 in molasses 1% retarded Xa. pv glycznes up to 60 days after storage by the exudation of siderofor, hydrogen cyanida, and biosurfactant and that of B subtzlzs BBO 1 also retarded Xu. pv glycznes by the exudation of biosurfactant, (2) the matoa leaf extract with gallic acid 8.2 mg/g leaf fresh weight in the concentration of 20 % in water gave the highest retardation to the bacterial pustule, (3) the combination of intercropped system soybean-corn with the application of biocontrol agents gave the highest retardation effect : decreasing the infection rate from 0.11 unit/days to 0.06 unit/days in dry season and decreased the infection rate from 0.13 unit/days to 0.07 unit/days in wet season, (4) the combination of intercropped system soybean-corn with the application of biocontrol agents gave the highest income (Rp 1,765,000.00/ha in dry season and Rp 1,363,000.00/ha in wet season).id
dc.description.abstractDi Indonesia, pengendalian penyakit tanaman yang bersifat ramah lingkungan diperlukan untuk mendukung sistem pertanian berkelanjutan. Penyakit pustule bakteri merupakan penyakit penting yang mengakibatkan rendahnya produksi kedelai di Indonesia. Penyebab penyakit pustule bakteri adalah Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. Glycines. Untuk mengendalikan penyakit pustule bakteri kedelai dilakukan suatu seri percobaan untuk mengevaluasi pengaruh kombinasi pola tanam dengan aplikasi bakteri biokontrol atau bakterisida botani terhadap keparahan penyakit dan produksi
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
dc.titleKajian keefektifan beberapa komponen pengendalian ramah lingkungan terhadap penyakit pustule bakteri kedelaiid
dc.titleStudies on the effectivity of several enviromental friendly pest management components to bacterial pustule on soybeanen

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