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Peta pautan genetik marka RAPD dan analisis QTL kelapa sawit menggunakan populasi silang balik generasi pertama menuju perbaikan kualitas minyak

dc.contributor.authorIrwansyah, Edy
dc.description.abstractThe main indicator that oil palm highly quality is highly oleic acid content. There are increasing world people number, increasing of consumer attention to essential nutrition of food product (specific oil food), and more 90% product of oil palm used for food; as factor which determining for improvement palm oil quality. Objectives this research: (1) to get the characteristic data of yield and quality components of oil palm from the BC, (ex Brazil) population; specific for selected donor parent BC,, (2) to get the linkage map of donor and recurrent parent; for mapping linked molecular marker and as requirement of QTL analysis, (3) to get the QTL mapping of oil quality component for knowing location and effect locus which controlling oil quality components. Effort of improvement oil palm quality can conducted via long term program via backcrossing (conventional breeding technique) that continuing and short term program via marker-assisted selection. Combination of the both technique, conventional breeding with marker-assisted selection as important key for acceleration effort to get palm oil that have oil quality and production highly. Based on path analysis and stepwise regression, performance of BC, population on bunch weight and percentage of oil per bunch variable that have bigger direct effect for determining yield of oil per bunch content (yield component). Otherwise, miristic (C- 14), palmitic (C- 16), stearic (C-18), linoleic (C-18:2), and linolenic (C- 18:3) variable that have bigger effect for determining oleic acid content (oil quality component). For breeding program development to yielding oil palm that have oleic content highly, selected tree 93-107-33 T as donor parent to generate BC, population. From 165 random primers 10-mer was screened to both parent BC,, yielded 108 polymorphic (total 600 locus): 314 polymorphic (donor parent= 195, recurrent parent= 119) and 286 monornorphic. With chi square test (P>0.05), segregating locus that have 1 : 1, for donor parent= 141, recurrent parent=53. Linkage map were constructed using MAPMAKERIEXP 3.0b software: donor parent map (LOD 3.0,8=0.25)= 7 linkage groups (LG), consist of 51 loci (336.2 cM), recurrent parent map=4 KP (LOD 1.69,8=0.25), consist of 14 loci (282.9 cM). Using composite interval mapping (CIM) method and permutation 2000 (P<0.05), of three variable yield component (weight fruit=brb, percentage of oil per mesocarp=mym, yield of oil per bunch=hmy) were identified existence six QTLs, there are brb-2-1, brb-2-2, brb-2-3 (LOD 5.3 1); mym-10-1, mym-12-1 (LOD 5.46); and hmy-12-1 (LOD 2.76). From five variable of oil quality component (percentage of fatty acid from miristic=mrs, palmitic=plm, stearic=str, oleic=ole, linolenic=lnt) were identified existence eight QTLs, there are mrs-2-1, mrs-5-1 (LOD 5.02); plm-2-1 (LOD 5.23); str-2-1 (LOD 3.74); ole-2-1, ole-5-1, ole-12-1 (LOD 5.17); and lnt-2-1 (LOD 4.23). QTL ole-5-1 known that have the bigger effect to determining highly oleic content (phenotypic variance=40.45%; total phenotypic variance=96.45%).id
dc.description.abstractIndikator utama minyak kelapa sawit bermutu baik adalah tingginya kandungan asam oleat. Adanya peningkatan jumlah penduduk dunia, peningkatan perhatian konsumen terhadap nutrisi esensial produk pangan; merupakan faktor pendorong perlu dilakukannya perbaikan kualitas minyak kelapa
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
dc.titleGenetic Linkage Maps sf W D Markers and QTL Analysis of Oil Palm Using Population of First Generation of Backcross Toward Oil Quality
dc.titlePeta pautan genetik marka RAPD dan analisis QTL kelapa sawit menggunakan populasi silang balik generasi pertama menuju perbaikan kualitas minyakid

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