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Aliran udara pengering untuk optimisasi disain pengering efek rumah kaca

dc.contributor.authorWulandani, Dyah
dc.description.abstractGreenhouse Effect (GHE) Solar Dryer is a transparent wall structure, consists of an absorber plate as solar collector, product holders (rack, tray or batch) and fans to discharge vapor evaporated from the product. The GHE solar dryer uses thermal energy source from the sun and biomass stove as an auxiliary heating and other devices to control continuous drying processes. Previous study had recommended the design configuration as an alternative artificial drying facility for the farmer and merchant of cloves to overcome several demerits of using direct sun drying, including the construction cost. Farmer often uses direct sun drying method because it is cheap and simple. However, the method greatly dependent on the existence of solar irradiation, and foreign materials or dirt easily contaminates the product. Considering the poor condition of local farmer, previous GHE design required further construction cost reduction so that it can be affordable by the farmer. For this purposes, in this study an optimization process for a prototype of GHE solar dryer was conducted in order to reduce further construction cost by determining the proper sizing of each principle component of the dryer. In addition, a CFD technique was applied to determined proper locations of key component of the dryer to create uniform airflow rate, RH and drying
dc.description.abstractPengering Efek Rumah Kaca (ERK) adalah bangunan pengering berdinding transparan, di dalamnya terdapat plat absorber sebagai pengumpul panas dan wadah produk (rak atau bak) serta kipas untuk mengeluarkan uap air saling pengeringan. Sumber energy pada pengering ERK diperoleh dari surya pembakaran biomassa (arang kayu). Pengering ERK ini menjadi salah satu pilihan bagi petani maupun pedagang pengumpul cengkeh untuk mengatasi masalah pengeringan dengan cara penjemuran langsung menggunakan lamporan, karena pengering ERK menggunakan sumber energy termal dari surya dan biomassa. Study on antihyperglycemic mechanism of extract mixture of piper crocatum leaves and cinnamomum burmannii bark as potential functional drink.en
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
dc.titleStudy on Temperature, RH and Air Flow Velocity Distribution of Dryer for the Design Optimization of Greenhouse Effect Solar Dryerid
dc.titleAliran udara pengering untuk optimisasi disain pengering efek rumah kacaid

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